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Kyle G

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Everything posted by Kyle G

  1. Mine started Slipping off alot lately untill I wrapped sum Duct tape around me handle bars never slip now
  2. Just finished watching the 28min one and oh my god, all i could think of was pain!
  3. Kyle G

    Harry Main Bmx Vid

    Pretty cool enjoyed watching it.
  4. Bike looks dam nice, liked the vid alot aswell end made me laugh
  5. Nice vid enjoyed watching it alot sidehops were huge!
  6. Dont actually know any of you but would be cool to mee some more riders so will hopefully come along if cool.
  7. Ride by myself when I actually do, still learning kinda stopped over winter though. Although if I knew some riders near me I would proberly ride with others gets to boring by self.
  8. Quite liked watching it keep it up.
  9. lol love it, fav vid so far.
  10. 21, started few months ago progressing very slowly no fun learning by self
  11. For me would be black/dark red, would love to have my bike like that.
  12. Pendulum vs The freestylers - Painkiller http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3P8hmTafv0
  13. recovering from overdoing it yesterday, Learning trials so fun yet so painfull well for me ><
  14. Would have to say Neil Tunnicliffe, was one of his videos I first watched and after watching it I wanted a bike and to learn trials so I brought one and am now learning
  15. I started off with hopping backwards can do that ok now, then slowly started to go forwards by rocking from front to back wheel then releasing the break a lil and pushing down on the peddle and jumping at same time, Getting there slowly!
  16. Nah not that desperate, It normally does it slowly but eventually ends up moving to far and the chain comes to loose to do any thing, A friend said that he thinks its the nuts on the end of the tensioners there just normal metal nuts he thought they would of been ones with a plastic bit inside them? some thing about it stops the nut from moving by itself.
  17. Hey, Well after getting my first bike about 3 weeks ago its been fun learning but im having some trouble with my back wheel, This week I managed to do one hop on the back wheel and it pushed the back wheel forwards making the chain come loose I tightened it all up put it back in place but it jsut keeps slipping not matter how tight I do it, I dont know alot about bikes yet so was wondering if any one would know what to do or have any suggestion? Also would Filing the wheel have the same effect as grinding? wet weather makes it hard to learn. Thanks kyle. Edit: Bike is Yaabaa 449 if any help.
  18. Hey thanks for all the replys, I now have a bike 20" Yaabaa 449 from Tartybikes, First time on it today was fun need some new grips though need to get use to how light it is aswell and remeber there is no seat so I dont keep going to sit down. Looking forwards to learning some stuff
  19. Would also recommend looking on tartybikes, Winstanleys dont have the best customer support infact I dont think they have ever replyed to any emails i've sent them.
  20. yeah, but the cash is on me credit card and im unable to use paypal/Ebay due to some one scamming me some time ago leaving my account in the minus, so backto browsing sites again.
  21. Well it seems am no longer getting a Onza T-Pro 2008, Kinda find any shop/site that has them in stock so looks like im back to looking for a bike I like fun fun
  22. Getting the 08 Model should not be to long now bitta luck be here early next week, Looking forwards to learning =D
  23. Well good news again thanks to Adam-2k7 for the link I finally found a 08 T-Pro instock got an email today with some good news at last, Item(s) :Onza T-Pro Trials Bike (2008) - Bike Colour: Grey / - has been ordered from our suppliers and is estimated to arrive into stock on or before the 11-Aug-2008 :D
  24. Well some bad news, Today I phoned the place I Ordered my T-pro 08 from and its outofstock so now trying to find else were to buy a t-pro 08 not having much luck seems few are out of stock so back to hunting for a bike
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