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Jack Chinnery

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Everything posted by Jack Chinnery

  1. Oi you said you would give me that, when I bought you that huge bottle of water on the reading ride.
  2. Ohh my God, not a pound. I popped out to go put my t-poo into my garage last night and found my dog had nicked my bottle of lucerzade (which cost me 1.15:O) On topic now, I have some because my grandads next door nabour is a roofer. Plus I found an f-ing huge chunk the other day at a riding spot.
  3. Im not trying to, I have missed Full members so much recently. As you know I cant post in there so hey.
  4. Sorry for posting in NMC, but snooping through chit chat and saw this topic: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....howtopic=133086 And this is the guys Account for the people searching for him. He is only like 12/13 so hes blates just an immature little child. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showuser=22043 Just thought id help.
  5. Oh yeah. I thought you loved me and thought about me all the time.
  6. Right seeing as I look upto this man soo much and got a lift in his car on sunday. I am posting his new video in new members chat. He is an absolute ledgend and so nice to talk to. I am putting this in new members chat so the newer members of the trials community can comment and see who should be representing the Trials section of cycling. Jack. http://www.onefishtwofish.co.uk/resources/jacknaturalv1.html
  7. Cheerz my dearzzzzzz, So you getting a Shogan gimp them?
  8. Being a "new member" After a certain amount of time/other people have posted after your post, you cant edit.
  9. Jordan, You know what im like. You dont need to say something like that.
  10. Sounds quite like a crack doing that. Ill give it a check over in a while. It sound even louder and worse when I lean over the bars, But the sound only occours when motional.?
  11. Ive searched it and nothing came up. My spokes on my 07 onza (shitty) wheel are creaking. Its one of the cheap onza wheels which come with the standard bike. Im not sure what it is, Ross G said to loosen the spokes 1/4 of a turn, I did and yet it still creaks and also it is a factory build so nothing done to it apart from the loosening. I think its the threads fooooked in the nipples, what do you think? Cheers guys.
  12. No offence and I'll get shizzle for saying this, But if you really expect to get validated, you dont have a chance in hell mate. Sort your punctuation and spellin owt. Full stops and capitol letters. Then you will get validated.
  13. Pretty dang nice, Id just take advatage of your bollocks whilst you still have the chance.
  14. I know im just trying to get them to buy phatpads, Ive heard so much about them. So why not get such a well known person like me to advertise.
  15. Im not asking you, Im telling you. GET PHATPADS. End of.
  16. Alex "Dark", Just drop him a comment. They are his pads, And from what I have heard they are pretty shweet. If I wasnt so skint id nab myself a pair.
  17. Scott21 had them in plastic backings and they were shocking, one side wore like half of its original compound size with 1 reading ride. The bite IMO was quite nice, But the hold was foshizzle.
  18. Not unless you sand down the top layer of pad. I used them on the front of my t-poo with a light but dead grind. And i tad of tarr, It was the best brake ove used. Now im running double Koxx Bloxxs, and not looking back.
  19. http://tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?produc...;category_id=19 Should do you fine. I have one in my DJ bike and ive not had any problems with it. No. Adamant = External T-poo = Internal. End of.
  20. Thats a good idea, My school has like 2 of those drills in one room. Only thing is, I really dont know weather I can be arsed to build it back up again.
  21. Lol. TBF I haven't felt how heavy it is. Well if you put it like that, Want to swap?
  22. Exactly, Go on mates or fellow riders bikes and see you what you prefer.
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