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Posts posted by weirdoku

  1. Hey all,

    I'm interested to know what everyone has had since they started riding trials. Doesn't have to be a proper trials frame.

    Also would like a little description why you changed frames. Snapped? Battered? Got bored of the frame?

    I'll start.

    08 20" GU Typhoon - First trials bike, plus it was cheap as it came complete.



  2. 1. ash-kennard

    2. onza tvee jack

    3. scott21

    4. john shrewbury

    5. christophe

    6. fred

    7. dan

    8. tic ?

    9. mike

    10. nick G

    11. quackers

    12. grantham

    13. mowgli

    14. stan shaw

    15. adam griffin

    16. rob brodie

    17. cox.

    18. martin grainger

    19. dan gray

    20. me ashley wood

    21. connor powell

    22. ross gardner

    23. Dan Walker

    24. Andy ball

    25. Nick Manning

    26. weirdoku - Savio Ku

    Geez, I keep get taken out. :P

  3. Cheers buddy, glad you like it.. I still cant believe it's mine to be honest :huh:

    Yea, the gusset 180mm rotor is amazing! I have the same one on my Pitbull that works nice, but the same sized Gusset rotor on a mod is stunning.. Instant lock when you need it without effort (My proof is no more blisters on my right index finger) and perfect modulation too.. Might not all be down to the rotor, but I can say that it gives better braking than normal rotors that have more surface area.. Plus the saw effect of the Gusset is quite pleasing on the eye too.. ^_^

    Now I really think I should have got the gusset isntead, I have a mono mini you see and the pads doesn't quite cover all the holes the hope trial rotor but I think the gusset is just perfect for my mini mono. Bah...only if tarty takes back used (6 hours of use) things...

    Best looking mod ever!

  4. Three letters : oh my god. How do you do that and can you teach me :P

    I can help you if you are stuck on some things! I spent days figuring out how to use this program, once you know what does what and learn the common hotkeys it makes the designing so much easier.

    The Notre Dame was the last proper paper model I made, don't know what to make now!

    But yeah, great program by Google. Everyone should have a go at it!

  5. They're not testing the frame material as far as I can see - they're worried about the paint having lead and other poisonous stuff in it. Justifiably based on the number of scandals involving products from China particularly which were found to contain poisons and were shipped with the knowledge of the company making them because they couldn't care less. It would be hard to argue that this reaction isn't justified. What irritates me more is that it's not just a blanket law - I'd rather not have my 'adult' bike covered in lead based paint either.

    The question for most people on this forum is whether the EU will apply the same rules...

    I refuse to ride a stock!

    If it's just the paint, sell us unpainted frames, I'll spray it myself!

  6. So your saying because he doesn't agree with you his opinion is wrong?

    It's best to try before you buy see what you get on with better.

    If you know people that ride or know of people that ride ask them if you can have a ride.

    Its all personal preferance.

    i started on Mod and loved it, stock never has felt right for me.

    Now get out and get trying bike :P .

    I doubt i've helped but Ta Da.


    Yes, try before you buy!

    I knew from the start I wanted to ride a mod, and a mod I got. Plus I look odd with a stock!

    From your height and weight, I would say stock, but then again there a people shorter than you that rides stocks. But it comes down to preference. So again, try before you buy, if possible. But if not, and you are desperate, stock is for you in my opinion!

    And yes you should buy a second hand mod/stock, really no point buying a new one if you are just starting, no doubt you will 'bump, graze and break' and you will want to cry when you scratch your new and shiny bike. You might need to replace a few parts here and there such as brake pads or tyres or grips.

    I like your story in your profile!

    Get ready to hear "Where's the seat?" from passers by!

  7. You shouldn't need to notch the cams more.

    Are you winding the cam up with your hands until it won't go any further? If yes, get a spanner/pliers and hold onto the cam ends, wind it up one more notch. You shouldn't be able to move this at all with your hands afterwards, your chain should also be nice and tight.

    I had a similar problem, winding the cam with my hands, they kept slipping. But after winding it up one more notch with pliers/spanner, mine has not slipped once. That was 1 month ago.

  8. Okay, I'll be heading home to Soton for my Christmas holiday. And I'll will be free most of the time so that means riding!

    No specific dates set yet, but any day is fine for me between the above dates. Just want to know if people are free and want to come out riding.

    I've only been riding in pompey, so haven't met many (if any) people from soton and I would like to. Any mod riders?

    Meet in city center I suppose. I live near Bitterne.

    Please post if you are interetesd!


    But about skinny jeans, okay they might be comfy and yes I have tried a pair on, not girls ones. But they are just annoying, skin tight doesn't help your riding. I rode once on my normal bike, it did not feel nice and I can't stretch my legs out!

    Surely you must sweat when you are riding, bmx or trials, the feel of sweaty jeans+boxers (if you have room to wear any...) are just disgusting.

    If skinnys are comfy, you might as well wear leggings. Skin tight, thin so not as bad when you sweat and chopped just before your ankles. Really, if you have no problem wearing girls jeans what's wrong with wearing leggings?

    Anyway, nasty picture. My eyes imploded.

  10. i was just needing help with uploading more than 1 picture. i have uploaded a picture using the upload form and

    now i cant upload any more =S i thought it may be the size at first but the size of the file i uploaded wasnt even large =[

    was just woundering if anyone could tell me a way to post pictures without the upload form?

    i thought photobucket???

    Image shack is pretty good too. You can upload more than one photo at a time and it can resize it for you automatically.

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