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Everything posted by JackMeek

  1. Cheers dude. Glad you helped me out with the topic. Last year and this year Tartybikes and others had the opportunity to get involved and for what ever reason it did not happen. If anyone has thoughts on companies no matter how small or how big they are it would be great to know them all so they all get invite for promoting,selling and meeting their customers face to face. We had so many logistic to deal with because of cancelations. Last years band had to be cancelled due to the drummer being far too good at what he does and getting signed up to a label with another band. The other was another Band that had some hiccups and split up. Which then led me to a last minute DJ situation from 2 great people that stepped in and helped out massively and then humidity decided to make the speakers sound like they had loads of reverb on them so they could not be played to loud on the saturday. Plenty of time this year to make things good though. Will try hard to get a real good band in.
  2. Thoughts, Comments and Opinions leading to next year. Lets hear them. Link for RadFest Page http://www.facebook.com/RadFestBikeFestival
  3. London is so undiscovered. I have listed so many pin drops it would take months to ride them all and i bet there is hundreds more. I Agree with Mark with the london comment. You would be spoilt for choice on riding locations even if you got lost. It is pretty good G. It would make a change from seeing you on Espana soil. Come on G do it.
  4. Back from france on friday to work on the official radfest video. Can't wait to get stuck into it. I took mine off day before yesterday. Never like taking off an event band too soon if it was awesome.
  5. Only during rehearsals at one point because i wanted to kill the choreographer. Its all good now though. Lol Naaaaagh no Nitro Circus here bud. If you want some risk of death or some legit dynamite i don't blame you. I'm partial to a bit now and again for entertainment. If anything was risky i would say doing the routine over and over again to please Choreographers. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and challenge.
  6. RadFest Page has selection of peoples Photo's of the weekend if would like to see. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.467101579967134.111303.352543308089629&type=1
  7. A message on behalf of TrialsAddict. Radfest was amazing! "Thank you to all the people that came over and spoke to us and I hope we helped you all out with the parts you needed". "Massive Thank you to the organisers". Trials Addict Team.
  8. Just to let you know that there will be a few edits. I had a official camera man there. We had all sorts of shot logs planned and we have captured all the essence of the event. We are looking at a month. Im out of the country next week but get back and plan get on with the final edit.
  9. WOW. GOD DAMN WOW. So stoked with all the great people that came. Can't believe how crazy some of the events got. Never seen a 180 X-up endo drop before. Nick Cooke that was sick. Joe Maher is a weapon with the kicker. Extreme Hop comp was nuts. Matty Turner lived up to his hype taking on the big guns in the kicker comp. The banter was amazing. So many good memories for a life time.
  10. It will be processed and sorted.
  11. Just a heads up. I have spent some evenings up at the venue and found that the mossies are out and about from 5pm -8pm and it might be worth bringing some insect repellent. They are not that bad. We are just looking out for people that might seem tasty to them. 4 days Left to go.
  12. You could try sending an email to info@radicalbikes.co.uk for Trialtech forks or you could go www.trialsaddict.com
  13. That will be fine. You will spot where the carpark is and the camping. There is only one way in at the gates.
  14. Weekend tickets are closing on the 20th June prior to the festival on the 29th June - 1st July Tickets are available from www.radicalbikes.co.uk
  15. Pretty excited now that RadFest is only 3 weeks away. Can't wait to see some of the riding that is going to happen over the weekend. Let the good times roll.
  16. There are Parents, Adults, Riders Friends and spectators to take into consideration. We are not enforcing a T-total environment. 1. We wont be patting anyone down to check they have booze. 2. We have security during the night. 3. Most official achol drinks come with "drink responsibly" sign on them. so do so. 4. Under age drinking and we spot it. We will be having a word straight away. It is not worth it. Don't test us. I'm most likely having at least one cold beer maybe 2 in the evening with the RadFest staff after all the hard work thats been put in. We are aware that it is nice to have a drink or 2 but we are not advertising or want to encourage heavy/binge drinking. Use the Common sense hand book.
  17. Due to a week prior to the event we will be closing tickets on 20th June. That leaves 21 days from the date of this post to get your tickets. This only applies to weekend tickets. Day tickets can be purchased on the day. Tickets/Info - http://www.radicalbikes.co.uk/index.php/radfest/buy-ticket RadFest FB Page - http://www.facebook.com/RadFestBikeFestival
  18. Really good Adam. Looking even better on your bike.
  19. Interesting vid from Ali Yahyaee. Been following these guys for couple of years now and they are getting behind the camera and promoting there sport in Iran on main stream tv. They have only been doing trial for around 6 years and have grown interest and created a good comp scene and street scene. Here is there TV bit they did recently.
  20. Stan that is some fantastic riding footage. Great riding Stan. Real nice shots Mark. Very good collaboration between cameraman and rider.
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