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Posts posted by trialsmax04

  1. As the title says, is there anyone who rides in the Tavistock / Gunnislake area? Im moving there in a couple of weeks and as my new house doesnt have much garden/ ground to ride a moto trials bike around, wouldnt mine getting a bit more involved in the bike trials.

    Any one around?


    P.s I am Shocking on at bike trials, but am willing to learn!

  2. Ive got some DMR v12s that i rode for a tad on my mountain bike. When i got my monty, it had knackerd V8s on it so i swaped them over and im not to happy with the way the expensiveV12s hold up to trials. I reckon its time to change the bearings : (N) . I might try a set of those Wellgo's next when i get back on my mountain bike.


  3. I had a pretty shitty bail tonight. i was on this wet concreate when i just lost all my ballance and wheels slipped awayfrom me. good job no one was watching :$

    on my motocycle though.... well were to start? I had an old montesa 315 and we where coming back from bodmin moor on the road, i was left behind by the others and started doing 5th gear wheelies. Over cooked it and had to run behind the bike (obviously you cant run behind a bike doing 50mph!). Anyway smashed my face on the road chipping my front tooth (the broken bit was in my tounge!), broke 3 bottom teeth in my gum, stitches in my nose and lip. Bike needed a new silencer but nothing else (bloddy thing!!). But yea thats what you get from being stupid....

  4. It is a bad photo anyway. The forks are how i got it. Havnt really got the money to change them at the moment. Ideally i would like a new set of forks and stem but hey, its not broken :-

    The bars dont seam to be a problem to me. Possibly a little low. But again, I hav'nt got the money to invest in a new set.:(

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