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Posts posted by Mtchell

  1. Because you wear nike/adidas your a chav ,or if you have many piercings and wear dark clothes your emo ???!!! WTF

    I wear tracksuit bottoms to ride in does that make me a chav ????

    if i see a another rider and their was wearing so called emo clothes i,d still ask him/her how long he/shes been riding for and have a natter

    you cant paint every one with the same brush - thats am saying


  2. 1 design may not be to your taste but i would wear something like,

    you could design a face on the front of the tshirt/jumper/hoody

    from reconisable bike parts eg:

    levers = eye brows

    wheels = eyes

    handle bars = mouth

    pedals = ears

    crank arm = nose

    Lol just an idea mate i could think of stuff all day long ,very creative lol

    maybe a pink tshirt saying "I LOVE KOXX" lol for the girls or for the men who love koxx lol

  3. yer i,ve heard about the climbing my riding partner does is he says it uses many of the muscles biking does ,

    i,m hitting the gym now just going to focus on tread mill and my back as im getting back ache from riding :unsure: which cant be good

  4. As we all know the winter weathr is upon with rain and snow , so there isn,t much time for riding and when there is ,it isn,t for long

    unless we,re lucky

    so i was wondered what training to do to keep my fitness levels up as i can see/feel them falling,

    i have a gym in the garage so any routines would be a great help


  5. In a simply lovely shade of orange, Looks darling ;)

    Sorry Paul :P

    Just evny matey because yours is matt black, and your new frame is silver such a lovely sparkly gay colour lmao

    sorry fatty..i mean dan lol

  6. If I can ride in the wet, then I can ride better in dry..

    Teaches you to find grip, rather than rely on your set up.

    And why not? Just because I'd get a bit wet? You're afraid of rain..?

    This is what i tell my riding partner will he have it ,will he heckas,lol

    But this is the same theory i believe

    THE GRIPS - Rubber Gusset £7 cant beat them ;)

  7. whoooa,

    people are very irate over this topic oops,

    anyways i dont care what people wear its seems to me the 2 main diversity of fashion seem not to get along???

    like when we bumped into Mat smith( your not the best mate!! ), he had a right atitude problem for the way we dressed

    and his comment ( judging a whole city) just backs it up and we,ve met many more peple alike your not alone

    Just seem childish

    unless theres some sort of, so called Click you have to cawl your way into ??? :-

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