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Posts posted by Mtchell

  1. I think what you should really figer is the geo of the frame. Don't just choose frame by name and price. If you buy a frame that doesn't fit you, it will be sh**ty deal. Trust me! Already experienced that. :ermm:

    Right mate cheers

    BUT, how would i go about doing so :unsure: ?

    I,m 6ft and about 13st so what would i be looking at ?

  2. Ive been riding for about a month and half now i like the whole trials thing,

    at the moment though i have a onza t-bird 04 to throw about , but im looking to upgraded the frame

    I,m just cant decide which 1 to get

    Likeing the czar 07 and the adamant A3 have around 250 -300 to spend

    Any 1 have any sugestions?


  3. Cool, sounds about right. I'm 6' and about 12 stone but have quite an odd physique/metabolism...

    lol i think mines bit out too, last year i weightd 9st (didnt eat always doing something else)

    meatbolism mines ver high now , easly do in 6 meals a day but i feel better for it

    Whats up with your body system lol

  4. To some extent I guess. People like Cesar Canas and Dani Comas are over 6ft with long legs and arms which in comp situations helps with strato dabs and they are also quite springy. However, Marc Caisso is of a similar technical level but is probably only 5'6". Weight again is not a constant. Muscle weighs more than fat and so provided the rider in question is lean and isn't carrying any extra weight it shouldn't be an issue.

    yeh i see what your saying,my mate also said the same be reason am gaining weight very rapidly the podge is going and the moobs are Lol,

    well im 6,1 and 13 stone so i,m :) well balanced i,d say

  5. Yeah I agree Dave, It's a combination of both, but I would say technique is more important. Good technique alone will get you sidehopping very high and then when you get towards a limit "explosive strength training" would probably improve you that little bit more at the top end.

    Look at Gilles Coustellier for example, he is not bulky or over built at all, but he has so much technique that it doesn't matter. Also you could look at TRA and Benito Ross like Dave said, they are pretty well built and can sidehop houses.

    I,ll check these guys out when i get chance (Y)

  6. That doesn't really follow though... Have you seen the size of Benito's forearms and lower legs?! Big bulk is obviously bad for trials, mainly due to the added mass and lack of explosive agility which goes with it. Trials uses quite a specific type of strength, I guess similar to the likes of power lifters who show a great deal of 'strength' but only for a very short time.

    To be honest, I'd agree with the 60/40 split of technique/strength. My technique isn't great but I bypass that with a bit of extra power meaning I can sidehop without tucking as well as most people who need to tuck to get the same height.

    uv got a very good point in saying power lifter only use strentgh for a short period of time

    and tech is more important

    do you think height and weight play any part?

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