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Posts posted by Davetrials

  1. I love that the comp and street scene used to get on together as one, (with some exceptions..) imagine seeing Tim turn up on his steel Pashley at a comp now a days. 
    watching this really has made dislike the sport today. 

    What a bloody shame. 

    • Like 4
  2. I remember Waking up at around 7 am with a tent hang over to TRA and wayne doing some ridiculous stuff in buthiers, it was cold wet and damp, that gap at 6:07 is still huge. 


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  3. Its interesting how much of a chore the bikes Look to keep on the front wheel unlike todays UCI numbers. Matts KOT does not look like it wants to go.

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/17/2019 at 5:29 PM, Mark W said:

    It's not just trials - Garrett Reynolds is one of the best BMXers in the world, and he only has one paying sponsor (Red Bull).  Other guys like Chad Kerley only have one paying BMX-specific sponsor, the bulk of his income comes from non-endemic sponsors.  Believe it's a similar story for Dennis Enarson too.  The majority of 'pro' BMXers are making virtually no money now, so without those alternative sponsors they'd be screwed.  The issue is that there are so many companies out there that each company is effectively getting a smaller slice of what is already a slightly smaller pie.  Factor in rising costs of parts but expectations for RRPs to be low and it makes it even worse.  Bearing in mind the order of magnitude trials is smaller than BMX, it's unsurprising there are only really probably 2 riders out there who are actually making a living from riding their bikes (in the sense they could do nothing but ride their bikes as they choose to and still make a living).  The same lack of money for companies is behind that too.

    Semi-related to that, but a lot of the heavier drinking/smoking BMXers now have sponsors who make CBD-related products, natural supplements, etc.  There's been a pretty big shift over the past few years.  One formerly-pro BMXer stopped his riding career to start a juicing cafe when he got seriously into health-related stuff.

    The morality thing depends what level you want to take it to as well.  Is someone buying a Red Bull better or worse than someone buying a pair of some BMXers signature shoes made with animal-based materials (e.g. suede), and soles that are glued on using some pretty nasty substances?  Is that better or worse than the gigantic carbon footprint created by the UCI MTB World Cups flying huge amounts of people all around the world to race down some tracks and hand out some meaningless baubles and jerseys?  What about e-bikes that use batteries that are reasonably environmentally damaging to create?

    Speaking of energy drink sponsorship, this is laughably bad: 


    Still reading the comments, but really didn't want to miss the opportunity to express how truly awful every attempt he makes at marketing is. 

    That takes the win for me, just quit this ridiculous you tube game. do demos like every other trials rider trying to make a living. 


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  5. 4 hours ago, AndyT said:

    Great riding, beautiful place... but no one can come close to looking as good as akkers does riding rocks.. since his riding in the british round? comp trials cdroms i bought from biketrials.com 17 years ago to his recent vids... dude is savage on them rocks, love watching how he moves his feet around / bad foot / so smooof... 


    with that said, definitely looking forward to some new videos from this guy.  also wishing i could make the space/ afford a new enduro bike..

    It's far to bloody cold and wet for that nonsense at the moment.

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  6. 19 hours ago, Luke Rainbird said:

    Will try and pop along to show face, though will depend largely on Mini-Me on the day. Might even dust off the Inspired for the occasion :lol:

    Dust off, pump up tires, build, service. 

    Get a flat, go home till next year.  Ahh The life of a grown up trials rider. 
    I may whip out my ornamental TGS bike i bought a month ago.

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