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Posts posted by J.KYDD

  1. Have mods ever had gears? Guessing no but still curious.

    As JD said. That's where the terms 'Mod' and 'Stock' come from. 26" bikes had to have 6 working gears and in the early days were essentially just 'stock' MTB's

    Mod stands for modified - as they were the first bikes designed purely for trials, modified for the sport

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  2. The gap. New cranks splines are tight. Just ride it and be sure to tighten the cranks during and after ever ride.

    It may take a couple of weeks for them to fully screw onto the axle so don't be worried if after only 2 or 3 rides they aren't fully on.

    I had a brand new set of Breath cranks and BB which took around 4 weeks or so of regular rides to fully do up

  3. Breath Yes20 is 1010 wheelbase with 360 stays.

    I was dubious at first as to the quality, but I've had mine for almost a year now. That's longer than my Genesis 20 and Limey420 proto put together!

    Seddon has been playing around on mine and Craig's Breath bikes and is thinking the next Onza 20" may have 360 stays too...

    No idea what the current story is with the Onza 24"

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