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Posts posted by gage-mann

  1. If its m7 or 8 doesnt that mean its been tapped/helicoiled? :S

    m7 outer thread on a insert/helicoil is has m6 inner thread, but my mate said the mount had been strpped and was bigger than the square magura clamp rest =\

  2. i was gone to swap my czar frame for his pitbull frame, looked good condition on pictures he showed me and my mate rode with him the other day and said the frame was in his car in box and one of the brake mounts m7 or m8 or something daft, so am glad i did'nt swap cause he dent tell me about the mount, you may get it today as said, but if not get round his and sort it out (Y)

  3. hello everybody, i got a right-hand echo crank thats got the pedal threads stripped and i'm unsure of how to fix it? was think of buying a tensile crank insert but only left side crank one's are in stock on tarty although if i managed to tap the crank for the insert and then taped the inside thread of the insert for the right side pedal would that work? and anyone know where you can get hold of the echo external bottom braket bearings on the old bearing case it say ezo 680SRS i need one as i broke one while trying to get it out >_<


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