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Posts posted by idlehans

  1. This idea works.

    This works for a very short while, so shhh.

    Mine's worked for ages no probs. I used 3 pieces of blade (2 as springs,1 as extra support for the springs.It's pretty much the same set up as a leaf spring on a landrover only a bit smaller). It works as well as the original and is probably lighter than the steel rule idea. Any metal with a bit of spring in it will do i think.

  2. does anybody know where i can buy a spring for one of these tensioners from as tarty have sold out?

    Hiya, I had the same problem with mine. I used a bi-metal hacksaw blade to sort mine out and it works a treat now. If you want to see it i'll put a pic up for you.

  3. just a few clips taken from about a week/two weeks ago just mess about clips, also this will be last video on monty on my t-pro now and prefer it loads videos taken in the west wales bike trial barn. if you want any information about it check in the "news" section on the forum and have a look, or p-m nick patience (idlehans). persoanally i think its a good visit for everyone to make, and to be honest this video does not show off the barn at all! also like to thank nick for making a commitment which will in turn make the sport more accesable for everyone ! hope you all enjoy, dont comment on editing mind cos it was wacked together with no care at all to editing xx


    Trials-Forum Video -> Full ViewDownloadUpload

    Lookin good oz,there are some lovely shots in there. It makes all the difference having a professional taking care of the filming !! :-

  4. OK here it is, about a month later so sorry to those who were expecting it. This is a video I took in November of a single riding session we had in the West Wales Bike Trials barn. We (by we I mean Dave) got some gnarly shit done including tapping the hook stack of pallets :S anyway here it is, hope you like

    Vimeo Video -> Original Video

    comments appreciated :)

    Great vid matt,it looks wicked. Really puts mine to shame :lol: I really liked the use of the shadows. Who's the fat boy with the driver then ? Ha Ha !

  5. Pretty sure Dave will be on here later to tell everyone the pool table story and that the spacers were never used.

    I helped him change the bb at the comp and there was defo no spacers on the bb when we took it out.

    I can also testify in the bbspacergate scandal as to the whereabouts of said spacers on daves bb.they weren't on the bike,they were simply in the same box as broken bb. I know this because i actually got my hands dirty and removed the bb myself.

  6. Hello everyone,here's another vid from West Wales Bike Trials. It's a short collection of clips of Dave Kerr making use of the facilities at WWBT. Please don't slag of my vid making skills as

    Stephen Spielburg I am not. Please enjoy it anyway.

    Cheers Nick ( idlehans )

  7. Can anyone come and ride there? Looks an awsome place to ride!

    Is that your own barn or lockup or something, or did you get the council involved in making it?

    thanks willis x

    Hi Willis,the barn belongs to a friend of mine and I did everything else myself. Anyone can come and ride as long as you book a place, you can contact me through here on the forum or through my facebook group (west wales bike trials ) or you can phone me on 07970 080714. I'm open on weekends and there's a regular session on tuesday nights. We also have basic camping facilities ( indoor and out ! ) so if you want to make a weekend of it that's cool. Please be aware that if you are under 18 you'll need consent from a parent or guardian ( I can email you the forms )

    Thanks for taking an interest in wwbt, hopefully i'll see you soon


    Nick (idlehans)

  8. Hey guys,

    I'm not sure how many of you've been following this, but I'm so excited it's about to come, I truly hope this is the continuation of something great, and will begin a massive change.




    Keen to know your thoughts.

    Hi Mike,I was interested in the charter for compassion right up to the point when I realised it was a religious thing. There does need to be a lot more compassion in the world but religion is no good for this. I believe religion has caused more pain and suffering than any other single cause I will have nothing to do with it. I definately want a more compassionate world but we have to take it upon ourselves as individuals to be good to each other. We need a massive change in the consiousness of the human race and it won't come from religion. I really do hope things change.



  9. wooop nice one Nick, some great lines from Dave there, my video is en route, just editing it now, bit snowed under atm with work but digging my way out and Ill be back riding soon, hopefully next week!

    Guys you gotta see this, its a bit long, but its a really good show of everything in the barn, sizing, adaptability, lighting (the spots give AWESOME shadows as you can see...) its really good

    Thanks for getting my 180 on the beam too Nick :P

    Hi Matt,how you doin'? thanks for comments on the vid. I've watched it back a few times now and It's definately to long. I'm editing it back to about 5 mins and changing some of the footage and then i'll re-post it (tonight probably). Hopefully see you back in the barn soon.

    Cheers dude


  10. any pictures ?

    Hi crispyboy,there's video on the vid section of the forum and i'll put some more pics up this morning. Look for West Wales Bike Trials video no.1 and no.2. I'm actually editing no.2 because I got a bit carried away and it's 9 mins long. Anyway, the vids give a good impression West Wales Bike Trials so have a look.


    Nick (idlehans)

  11. Hello everyone, I've put up the second vid of clips from wwbt. I hope you enjoy and I hope it gives a good impression of the place. If you want to know more email me wwbt@btinernet.com or phone me on 07970 080714.

    Hello again, i've watched the vid a few times more and it's blatantly too damn long. I've edited it down to 5 mins and put some different clips in and now I'm happy with it. I hope you dudes are as well. Please have a look and let me know what you think.



    You don't need to stop riding when the weather turns to sh#te. Don't stop the hop !!

  12. If your interested why not join the facebook group "West Wales Bike Trials" or email me ( Nick ) either at wwbt@btinternet.com or here on the forum. I'll email you directions and forms. The address isn't there because I can't have people just turning up. You must book in with me because there is limited space ( 10 riders per session ) and I don't want to turn people away.

  13. and anyway - why would middleburn (or anyone else) want to go back to a really naff engineering solution - threads are f**king rubbish for this application - splines make 100000000000000000000000000x more sense.

    Is anyone planing to build a freewheel that fits onto the exsisting spline patterns,middleburn or shimano ? either would be good because threads are a crap way of doing it....

  14. I emailed them about a year ago and the guy promised they'd be around at the start of this year... Damn liar!

    It's daft,I think middleburn are missing a trick here, how many people on here would buy a set of middleburn screw-on's ? I definately would and I don't think I'm alone in this.

  15. I can both confirm and deny that rumour.

    We have a set of screw on cranks here BUT they do not have enough threads to be strong enough for trials, the shape of the forging doesn't allow any more to be machined either.

    Hi Ali,thanks for replying.What are those cranks for then if they're not suitable for trials then ?

  16. Hello everyone,I had a few friends over on saturday to ride the barn and i've managed to put a short vid together. Please forgive crappy editing... this my first attempt at a vid so it is amateur to say the least.Please enjoy anyway and let me know what you think.I've also got some nice pics which i'll put up later'


    The vid is now on youtube as well now because some people have been unable to find it. I'm not sure if this a common problem or if it's me being stoopid !!



    Hello everyone,just a note to say i've uploaded this vid onto youtube now.I did try to upload it directly onto the forum rather than using photobucket but I couldn't find it myself then either.Anyway,it's here now.

  17. why cant there be places like this everywhere, so we cant get told to move on to the nearest skate park by an old women or police :)

    looks jolly exitingg matey,, keep up the good work

    oli xxx

    Hey Oli,thanks for your comments,it's really encouraging to hear that kind of thing. Have you seen the vid yet ? There's more to come and i'll be posting more in due course.


    Nick (Y)

  18. Cool vid. Good to see Dave's sketchy cotton reel thing is still upright (nearly). I'll have to get down with a camera after work until I can get back on a bike.

    Hey Jamie,how's it goin ? I hope you're healing up ok. That cooton reel thing is rock solid i'll have you know ! :giggle:

  19. Whoa this looks like an awesome place to ride. Where is it, in regards to distance from Bristol??

    Hi kyddie, we're only 1 1/2 hrs from Bristol,end of the M4 and along a bit in a place called Carmarthen. If you want to book yourself in then email me or message me on here and i'll send you the directions and other bits. If you're on facebook there's a group called West Wales Bike Trials that i've set up and there's more photo's on there.Hopefully see you soon.



    p.s. If you're under 18 you'll need parental consent so the forms need to be filled before you come.If not you can fill them on the day.

  20. good stuff, i hope to get down to ride here. how much notice do you need? or is it always open?


    Hi Will,I'm open weekends and tuesday evenings for now. If you want to book yourself in to ride just email me or message me on here.Also matt has my mobile number (i'm not keen to put it on here just yet as my phone is red hot already !!). Basically as long as I know your coming I can let you know if there's space.The night before is enough notice, but if you decide to ride at shorter notice then give me ring on the mobile rather than e-mail. Hope to see you soon.



  21. Good little vid Nick. Had a really good time at the barn Sat night, rode till about 11!

    When its wet, cold and dark outside there's better place to ride.

    Cheers Ben,I didn't intend putting a vid together at the time but I found a movie maker programe on the computer so I gave it a go.It's cool havin you boys riding in the barn, you're welcome anytime.

    no way is that Martin Walker trials legend from trialsride...........

    yeah baby, as I live and breath, Martin Walker walks amongst us mere mortals !! :giggle:

    no way is that Martin Walker trials legend from trialsride...........

    yeah baby, as I live and breath, Martin Walker walks amongst us mere mortals !! :giggle:

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