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Posts posted by Maladie

  1. Right heres the deal.

    I have been riding almost a year, and I have decided that i want to upgrade my parts as I have imporved loads since i started from scratch. I will be thinking about competitions soon enough.

    The thing is, I dont want to buy parts that i will have to replace within half a year, because i dont get money that often (£15 a week from a local paper round)

    I just want to make sure i get quality parts NOW so i dont have to change them in the future.

    But thanks for asking because i was going on about the neon forks, only because to me they seem light, strong and a reasonable price (Y)


    And all that you have written there gives you an even better reason to buy the Echo forks.

    They are not heavy at all, 500g lighter than your forks like you said ..that's a big change mate.

    And, they will last you a long time, so you don't have to splash out any more money for a long while.

    And ..well the neon ones won't last you a month if you're not smooth.

  2. mega eager to learn i have been out on the bike again trying to get the bounce going and im pleased to say i have managed a few.

    not mastered it but i can get a couple of bounces going

    just need to learn how far to lean back and how high to lift the bars

    thanks for the advice guys

    See that's it mate, you'll do a few today, a few more tommorow, and in a week or two of practising it you will have it dialed.

  3. i have tried hopping when on the back wheel but i cant balance long enough to start hopping.

    cant seem to find the balance point of he bike

    but will try and hop more if that will help. i have been trying to get the blance right without hopping. will change my technique next time im on the bike

    Whatever works for you mate, you'll get the hang of it don't worry :)


  4. Hey mate, firstly i don't believe you should be trying to balance on your backwheel without doing any hops at all,

    because i think most people would struggle with that. You need to get up to the balancing point and then start your hops trying to keep your weight centered and keep your hops all in roughly the same place. After you've mastered this though you can go on to try kick-hops, these are backhops where you move forward ..by kicking your pedals.

    Example: http://trashzen.com/animations/anpedalkick0a.php

    And how: http://trashzen.com/pedal-kick-basics.php

  5. If he's gonna buy the one on it off you then why not!

    Yes i do know i will need another freewheel, i was just wondering if the echo sl will fit straight onto the onza or if i'll need to buy any different parts so that it does?

  6. Just have a few things i'd like to get cleared up.

    I have enough money now to buy the bike i want, an onza pro 2010.

    But then i'll have about 60 quid left over, i was wondering is it worth buying an Echo SL as the onza comes with a tensile which i have already promised i'll sell to my mate as he managed to f**k his after 10 months of riding it the other day. And also, it's obviously not worth buying if it will not just fit straight onto the onza so that is my other question, will it?


  7. Well if you're seriously gonna' use the 'how loud policy' to decide on which one to buy then i guess either one of the Echo's would be your best bet.

    The SL i guess is louder than the TR? but they both will overpower a tensile easily?

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