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Everything posted by willdudeXD

  1. hye, was looking for some advice, i know this kid that has a shinamo diore rear V and i have a brand now white hs33 in the box do you reckon if he got some tnn pads, a booster and an sd7 lever, it would be a good trade? p.s. i have v mounts, and a shinamo sp5 cable from my gears when i converted to single speed or some heatsinks
  2. king kong helmet all the way! so good 20 quid http://www.enemite-bmx.co.uk/moreinfo.php/...elmet_Blue/3141 best helmet i ever had
  3. okay this thread is totally random, but i wanna see if anyone has any interesting things, or you can just post your helmet if it looks cool ill start i bought a helmet 1 size too big, so i made some extra padding with a tea towel and glue! worked pretty good
  4. lol nah my friend has them in gold, there pretty good oh shit i meant the try-all caged pedals lol xD
  5. ordered myself some trialtechs last night:) now i just need to find some hairspray
  6. Lol sick! check out jum baures bikes if you want to some awesome bmx paint jobs
  7. id say street riding is more prone to injuries because our rolling and going faster so you hit the ground harder, also its easer to bail out when trials riding
  8. yeah, tarty bikes are really cool like that, they made a mistake on my frinds order once and they just let him keep it and sent him a different one, i cant remember what it was though, and he got loads of free stickers! 0_o get the gusset tribal! it looks wicked
  9. thanks but i already got some heatsink blues!! bargain!
  10. aah! i was wondering where to find these! i saw them on this that coust compound looks sick!! shal i get coust or blue? are they both for different set ups?
  11. aaah crap :/ haha they cant be posted till tuesday anyway , so i got some time to make up my mind atm it looks like ill be going for the v!z on tarty, quit cheep and apparently good
  12. Lol yeah iv already got some tar on but i have a v brake now, my maguras still in the box, i cant put it on yet cuz my bike is in the shop getting single speed kit put on
  13. i think im gunna go for the greens, im gunna buy buy 4 pairs so if they wear down quick then i have lots of spares and if they suck ill sell them on and buy some koxx bloxx as long as they are better than magura stock pads im happy
  14. yeah, these look like basically the exact same as the onza limes
  15. Yeah i meant has anyone used either of the 5 there.. sorry about saying lol all the time, its a really old habit. And i made a new topic because usually i get faster replies, its easer to see if someone has replied and easier to follow ^ look i didnt say Lol! xD i might buy some and if they suck just give them away and get some koxx bloxx later
  16. its because everyone has a grind!, and i dont so the information they give me is hardly going to be relevant
  17. im thinking about getting some of these pads, there so cheap!! but theres only one pad review, and its saying they suck, but he had it on a grind wich i dont think they are meant for, and i ride a smooth rim with tar sorry its not in pad reviews but there so many there its just confusing lol the pads
  18. okay ill just have to wait then Lol thanks
  19. lol i know but that will bea aages cuz like boxing day and holidays and stuff, so i just wanna get it done so as soon as it comes back its ready to put on
  20. for xmas i got a front hydraulic disk, but th cable is too long, i want to cut it down now but my bike is in the shop getting a single speed kit and the rim trued, so can some one give me a rough length i should cut it down to? btw i ride a 26" thanks:)
  21. oh right i supose its because there aluminium, most heat treated bmx fames are cro-moly
  22. Lol an abubaca is when you go up to the lip, do what is essentially a rear wheel hop, then go back down backwards
  23. i hear alot about people snapping frames..dont you get heat treated ones? and if not , why?
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