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Everything posted by MadNick1.2

  1. I can understand popular items selling out. But surely if they are popular you would order more!! I cannot get the LGM pads from anywhere else either so i guess i'm just gonna have to wait it out. My mrs is buying them me for Xmas, she has already got me an Echo SL 26" rim with a medium grind and now i have persauded her to get me the LGM pads as well. Come on Tartys get em back in stock!!
  2. Hi All, Has anyone else had the same problem i'm having. Everytime i find something on Tarty's that i want, it is out of stock. TNN LGM pads, out of stock Wanted a TNN bash ring with integrated 18T sprocket, out of stock. Bought a heatsink one in the end. Same happened when i wanted my Piranha 09 frame. Grrrr it frustrating!!
  3. First time i have seen it. Frickin awesome i you ask me.
  4. Was ok thanks Troy. Thanks for the responses lads. I shall give what muel said a go. I can remember when i took the freewheel off to swap the broken freewheel bearings and the end cap was a pain in the arse to get off. Might get a new set of end caps because the are probably a bit worse for wear.
  5. Hi All, My rear hope pro 2 hub has started to annoy me. My freehub has gone stiff and doesn't spin as easy as it used too. The tighter the bolt is done up the stiffer the freehub becomes. I changed the freehub bearings around 2 months ago because they collapsed and i know i put the spacer back in. It has all of a sudden decided to go stiff. Any ideas what it could be. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, I ordered a cloud 9 bash kit from heatsink bikes and it still has not arrived yet. I sent them an email this morning and no response. According to here Heatsink they answer emails 7 days a week!! I paid for it through paypal on the 8th November. I ordered a new tower for my PC 2 days ago and that arrived this morning. How long has stuff taken to arrive that you have ordered in the past? Thanks in advance
  7. My first car was a 309GTI it was a beast of a car. Bought it off my brother for £600 and it cost me £1300 to insure through my mum. Lol
  8. MadNick1.2

    Car Pics

    Pictures of my motors
  9. Hi All, I am thinking of getting a 18T super pro trials bash ring and a 16T king kog. Now i need to know if the Super Pro Trials bash ring seen here TartyBikes will work OK with a 1/8" KMC Kool chain because the middleburn bash guard i have at the moment scrubs on the chain. Thanks in advance
  10. I too am struggling with the sidehop. Have just manged to get the technique sorted and now i have a lot of practising to do to get higher. Arggg it is frustrating!!
  11. Nice bike. I have just bought a Zoo Piranha 09 in a long from trialprod in France as well. Arrived in 5 days and i have riddin it once with a dodgy ankle and i was still better than i was before.
  12. Some good stuff dude. Them flower beds near the bus stop is where i fooked my ankle up the other week. The one at 3:21. There is some good stuff to ride in Derby. You will have to come to Burton Sometime. Should be a few of the Burton lads out tomorrow if your about.
  13. Hi All, This is something which has been bugging me. If i can jump a gap without my bike then surely i should be able to jump the gap with my bike. Has anyone ever approached gap jumping in this way and is their any clips anywhere of people doing both with and without a bike. Anything would be cool...
  14. He is good in most areas. Seen bigger on the sidehop front... Agreed with his style it is very likable..
  15. Why cant they just leave us innocent and harmless trials riders alone. It is proper crap when you have gone to a load of trouble to go to an organised trials ride and then you get moved on from a good spot. Good ridin on that vid though!!
  16. Yeah that would be good. Let me know how much he wants for it and i will arrange payment. Cheers Nick
  17. I have the middleburn chainring bolts which i bought from Tartys too.
  18. Hi All, In was thinking about getting one of these http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?pr...p;category_id=1 from Tarty bikes. It says near the bottom when using a 1/2" chain that it will scrub on the bashring which i can believe due to my middleburn pro trials scrubbing. It also says that you can use washers to stop this from happening, but my concern is will using washers to make the chainring further away from the bashring weaken the drivechain? The weight save is decent from the middleburn which is 184g to the TNN's 43g. So i am temped to get the TNN bashguard but are my concerns anything to worry about??
  19. I want an Armadillo.... Not the animal as this would be very difficult to come by. Does anyone know where i can get this downtube protector from. I am awaiting delivery from France, my brand new Zoo Piranha 09 frame (long version) and i want to get an armadillo so i dont mash the downtube too much. Has anyone got one knocking around or know where does them new. Thanks in advance!!
  20. I picked up my Phase 1.2 off ebay for £125. If you like it and want to spend more money on your bike just do what i am doing. Started with the phase 1.2. Found i liked Trials. Bought new Rear wheel with a hope Pro2 hub. Bought new cranks and drive train. New hope front disc brake. Once you are happy with the modifications get a new frame. This is where i am, just saving for the frame. No point in spending loads on a bike if their is a chance your not gotta enjoy it.
  21. Here are a couple of pics i took on me phone. I have played around with them a bit. Crazy Canal Gap Complete with 15 Foot drop into shi**y water
  22. MadNick1.2


    From the album: Birmingham

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