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Everything posted by nasheenofteeth

  1. well I agree with you religion does suck in fact its horrible, but on the other hand there is just as much evidence for creationism out there like I said do some research, the human eye is so complex just think about it, ever look at the components that form a single cell its literally just the same as a motor, but like I said earlier doesnt matter how much proof you have......
  2. who said I was arguing against evolution your missing my point sir, and you can't tell me that evolution is a fact because on that one I have to take a big laugh some people say that bigfoot and the lock ness monster exist in hence fact... this is what is wrong with the wold today they are taught something is true "fact" and they don't take the time to look at both camps... come on its a big world out there lets not believe everything we hear is stated as fact... lets do some researching on our own, it doesn't even have to be on this subject...
  3. well to be honest you can assume what you want but to tell me that I'm wrong no one has the right to tell me that, that's if you assume that's what I believe, I didn't tell you that you were wrong, either way I don't care who you are if you look at the evidence there is reason to argue on both sides you just cant rule out one or the other.. this subject is just like politics is just pisses everyone off..
  4. well I guess the bottom line is you cant get something from nothing, even stephen dawkins cant' answer that, watch expelled with an open mind it might make you think about things differently...
  5. nasheenofteeth

    Phase Video 7

    freaking sick man
  6. I think it looks pretty cool myself but super stoked on the echo really hoping to get the echo over the winter..........I said hopefully!!!!!!!!!
  7. that's what I was thinking too ross thanks for the input man... thanks for everybody's input!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I think gyros were mainly used on bmx bikes......... couldnt tell you why they named them that???? wonder why someone couldn't use one of these?
  9. How do you fasten your stem or headset down without that bolt going through? thanks Ok I get it no top cap but uses a bolt.....
  10. that's so awesome must have been a blast..
  11. Well I'm pretty sure its a hope headset but its setup with a gyro so he can do tale whips etc. I Know they have these but he's not using one.... Atomlab Hydro Twister Hydraulic Gyro http://www.outsideoutfitters.com/p-2662-at...aulic-gyro.aspx
  12. Ran across this today any thoughts on it? is it out yet? any opinions? seems to be reasonably priced too... thanks http://ashtonbikes.com/bikes.php?bike=effect
  13. dc's, thought that was pretty sick, they should sponsor him!!!!!! anybody know what headset he is using I noticed dave marshall was using one too? It maybe looks like hope but couldn't find it on there site?
  14. hey adam heard anything about possible different frame colors?
  15. good to see you on this forum, I like it a lot..
  16. again I totally agree with what you guys are saying about the 24", nice input....
  17. Hello just been reading some forums from the states and man do a lot of guys hate the 24" bike, echo is now making a 24" bike and some people really hate the fact that a 24" is even considered a trials bike? Just was wondering what other people thought? I think the popularity of the 24" is because of the danny video to be honest, that's just what I see, so let me know what you think about the 24" vibe?? Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!
  18. dude i did some grindage on my rims its so much better now, hopefully ill get those pedal kicks down now, so whats new in your part of the world..

  19. sweet thats so cool to see a chick on a bike.....
  20. I wouldn't worry about how long what I would worry about is sitting down..
  21. kool video man wish i lived over there looks like a cool place to live..

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