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Posts posted by Jake.

  1. Padded shorts are designed to do a job and protect certain areas. Wearing boxers or whatever adds seams and pressure points which means the padded shorts can't do their thing properly.

    Never done this in the 8 years I've used them... Always heard this though. Will give it a go next time I'm out!

  2. Do not spin the wheel you will hurt yourself

    Go round in segments and take your time

    ^ This.

    I've slicked a few tyres, Blakes ones included. It's very easy to go straight through to tube and pop it. After a few mins you'll find a pattern you like, I tend to go from middle of tyre to the side on one whole side of the tyre then flip it round and do the other side.

    Breadknife first for sure to get rid of any bigger nobbles. I metal cutting disc for final part, I've tried flappy sanding paper discs but they're shit and take forever.

  3. Hey guys, was just wondering if any of you have done it out of curiosity.

    I climbed a crane with some friends that were into parkour one time, and vowed not to do it since but keep getting urges to do more stuff.

    How illegal is it? And... Are these urges bad? Silly question but it's been on my mind for a while and I can't exactly talk to mates because they'll just say I'm an idiot and I'm stupid, may be a bit different on a trials forum because the majority of you know we all have to be risk takers to do trials. And seeing as you may not die failing a move in trials you'll still have good judgement when it comes to risk assessment...

  4. Why not go?! If I had an opportunity to live there I'd jump

    What the f**k a girl showed up at your work offering to wash your car??

    Where do you find these people Jake?

    Not quite like that... Haha. She had a snapchat of her cleaning hers and I jokingly said she can clean mine and she's been on about it since hahahaha.

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