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Posts posted by Rockman

  1. I've got exactly the same problem since quite a long time. back-ache -.-)

    And nothings contaminated or anything suggested above. Wondering if a new rim would help?..

    Starting to think, new wheel, brake, and pads, because I really can't be arsed with this.

  2. Right, this is proper p*ssing me off.

    Brake was all good, then suddenly stopped working, so I changed from LGM's to Bealeys, these worked for a bit, then was suddenly terrible, so I changed to Rockpads, all good, then suddenly, stopped working.. finally changed to Heatsink Yellow's, all good for a while.. then again these stopped working! I have grinded my rim, changed clamps, had a booster on/off, 2 finger lever, 4 finger lever, but I can not get my brake to work. It doesn't have any bite, any hold, and is completely silent, WTF IS WRONG?

    Echo Pure frame

    Echo TR clamps

    Magura HS33 2005

    Rockman Single Wall

    If that helps.

    Thanks Shane.

  3. My rim is shit, anyone used the Trialtech SL single wall? does it hold grinds? does it get flatspots easily? or is there another single wall rim you'd recommend?

    Cheers Shane

  4. Fair comment as I haven't ridden with rear disc yet so couldn't really say. Id like to try it but its a big investement to make if I end up not liking it.

    I felt like that, then I when I got it it was amazing, it just holds and bites so well.. no grinding.. kinda miss the noise of the brakes, but yeah it's best choice for mod imho (Y)

  5. leaving the steerer uncut surely cant be good for the forks/stem/heatube as it acts as a pivot ?

    looks nice though .. i loved my pure .. but now its dead :(

    Never thought of that, not really sure how much to cut it down by, as I like having it high so I can get the weight lower on preload.

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