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Posts posted by gary-mac

  1. hey man your doing great for 8months starting from nothing!!! don't compare yourself to others just get out there and practise, as guys stated i have been riding mototrials at a high level since i was 9 which has helped me big style with balance, confidences and the ability to think a move out and then do it pretty much streight away. i had the basic to start with like rear hops and some moves from messing about years ago, now been 5-6months and learning loads, go at your own pace but really stand back and look at what your want to do, go through it in your head and try it, don't just throw yourself at it and then ask why you near killed yourself :giggle: . keep it up your progressing quick!!

  2. yeah, 4.05 and 4.20 are both vertical with the 4.20 hook being the biggest I have ever done(around eye level).

    My mistake ali sorry, laptop is that slow i ended up watching the one at 3.48 or somewhere near about 20times as it kept freezen after that. went to parents and watched it all, yeah there massive and verticle, i remember you telling me in glasgow about trying them brakeless, Since i have near sussed using brakes i'll try learn brakeless hooks, one thing i have learned is SPEED and confidence is a big thing to commit to a hookup, i was going way to slow before and getting no where.

  3. yip very good and smooth riding from ali there!! that wall hook up was massive but not verticle, do you have any clips of ali doing a hook up on a streight up and down wall?? cheer mark, very good watch and i must of replayed that hook about 20 times now :giggle: .

  4. I sort of found not using them helped more, as you conserve your momentum better so you can keep moving on up. If you brake, it just kills all that and can make things worse, especially on natural stuff. Not using your brakes on some rougher surfaces gives you more grip too, so if you're doing it on off camber/rancid stuff then not using brakes could actually improve things a lot.

    As evidence of that, in Ali's brakeless vid there were a couple of hooks that he couldn't do with brakes. I know of a few people who've gone from riding brakeless back to conventional riding and have found that brakeless hooks worked better and felt nicer.

    Hi mark how are you, yeah no brakes i find it great on natty bashing rocks etc or non verticle hooks. Its the sheer verticle steps thats i've only just found out how to attck and get body poition correct, so should i try and attack the verticle steps with out brakes? Such a difficuilt move to learn when the steps verticle with no lip on top i've found.

  5. Had a good night practising tonight, makes a big difference being bright after work now!! So at long last i figured out how to hook up after about 300 attemps at 8 pallets, this move must be the hardest move to suss out IMO, still not getting it perfect but i think i have finally sussed it, very sore ankles right enough with all the bails, anyone have any Tips that could just make it that bit easier or is it a case of trial and error??

    after getting 42inch sidehop at the start of the night i started to feel i was getting the correct technique, then out popped a 45inch beaster, thanks for the help from guys pointed out tips on here its helping lots!!!! very helpful forum big (Y)

    • Like 3
  6. Did you try them in the plastic backings?

    na i didn't bother in the end as it would of been awaste of money trying them to just take them of with the same outcome. very good pad with great bite and okish hold.

    was out for 3hours tonight with cnc yellows and its made my mind up quite easy, brake performance is just outstanding, hold is awesome and the bite is on another planet. Found the pad and set up that suits me and works. Trialtech sl rim, really sharp medium grind, hsb cnc yellows.

    got my mate on to hsb yellow pads and set up the same as mine apart from he has the koxxhydroxx frame, Same again the brake performance is unreal with its sheer power in dry/wet conditions.

  7. Good good boys hope you enjoy them, i would say the only reason there slighty darker is due to the black backings, when there out i compared the two up to the a light, both identicle. already sold my other new set of coust in plastic backings as i just don't rate them when it comes to the holding power on the rear, yet the bite is awesome.

    Back with a new set of hsb cnc yellows, faultless and exsteamly powerful!! try a set when the cousts run out. (Y)

  8. Should do I reckon, I'm using LGM's on the back of my stock and HS yellows up front on a smooth rim. The heatsinks have always been awesome but thought I'd try the TNN's, they were pretty good on a fresh grind but now it's dulled a bit they're losing hold. I got some joypads off Stan Shaw so gonna give them a try next but if I have no luck I'll be back to the yellows front and rear!

    CNC yellows can't fault them in any condition. they don't kill the grind unlike other pads also, its a win win situation. (Y)

  9. I've never used the "real" Cousts myself but have only ever found them to perform perfectly on other bikes (Seddon's etc). Whether it's down to the backings or other aspects of the setup, I've only ever been disappointed with CoustSinks on one bike before, so whether or not they're the same compound or not is almost irrelevant considering the performance the 'Sinks provide. If that's not enough then you're doing something seriously wrong with your technique.

    I used some CNC CoustSinks on my vee years back and it set of half a dozen car alarms :lol:

    There loud i'll give you that :giggle: but one things for sure, my technique aint seriously wrong, riding or setting up. many years of know how at world level motortrials riding and working on bikes so i'd rule that out. The cousts work fantastic when in forward motion, but if theres a big up where you need the brake to hold it just doesn't, it slips back. Cousts in front brake i'd say there one of the best out there, just not for rear IMO.

  10. From reading the thread, am I correct in understanding that the cousts in plastic backings are only glued round the outer lip of the backings and not directly supported at all in the centre of the pad? That must have a massive effect on the performance of the compound as it can deflect far easier that if supported fully by an aluminium backing. I have only used HSB coust vee pads on the front and they work very well, loads of hold with a little bit of modulation; I cant directly compare them to any other pads though. I use HSB yellows on the back and they are awesome as gary has stated :)

    yeah the cnc yellows are awesome, i honestly can't fault them even when i put a new refill in, use for 10mins the performance is streight back. (Y)

    As for cousts they do have glue in the centre, all they do is fill the backing full of resin and press the pad on top, once set they just buff/tidy the pad up and hey prestoooooo.

  11. Hi all, ok first night of trying out the cousts, had a beasting 2.5hours in dry weather. even managed a p/b 41 inch sidehop to backwheel, nothing to do with the pads though. so far these pads look/sound/feel and perform the same as HSB cousts. unreal bite but once again unless i get right up to rear it just didn't hold and this is exacly what the hsb coust do. Its only been 2.5hours so will leave them on for the next week to really try them. plus i also have a fresh medium/sharp grind.

    If they fail to impress in the next wk i'll have a brandnew set of cousts for sale in plastic backing so keep a eye out guys if your interested. will be wanting my money back on these.

    HSB CNC YELLOWS really are awesome and look like there the pad for me, dry or wet weather they just work. end of story. (Y)

  12. Hohum, here we go.... Just to clear up any misunderstanding, I order the Coust pads from Michel Coustellier, exactly the same compound and processing as he issues to any other buyer such as other riders buying direct or the pads he sells to Trialprod. It should be expected that the pigment level can vary, but this has no influence on the mechanical properties of the pad. It is more likely that the difference of the Michel glued ontop pads having 10mm of material instead of 7.5-8mm of the ones I cut and glue into the backing could have some effect.

    Regarding how Michel glues his pads ontop of the Magura backings, to my mind the benefits of a super thick pad and super quick manufacture are seriously outweighed by safety concerns associated with not having any portion of the pad submerged into the backing, and relying on a very small glue bond area around the skinny perimeter of the pad. One serious accident would be one too many!

    So all Coust pads sold by HeatsinkBikes are 100% bonafide "Real" Coust pads, but I can see why the story of elusive special Coust pads only obtainable through less obvious channels is compelling. Natually pads with some interesting back story can inevitably influence the usual belt and braces assessments of pad performance. Of course all pad manufacturers benefit from this scenario to some degree!

    Anyroad, why all this talk of Coust pads when everyone knows Heatsink Yellow CNC Maguras are the daddies! ;)


    +1, cnc yellows are the best performing pad by miles for me, only trying these cousts to see what all the fuss is about. will be out tonight so will have a idea by later on how they perform. Regarding the glue on top with no portion of the pad cut into the backing does worrie me!! With all that power, vibration etc over time could quite easy tare the pad away from the resin IMO.

  13. I've just ordered the same Coust pads in plastic backings from Trialprod.

    Hopefully they'll work just as well for me, unless I need to do a harsher grind.

    Cool, well the only reason am doing it is to compare the 2 pads. I'll be back using the yellows very soon as there simply awesome. Am just sad that i want to know if there is any difference. :blink:

  14. I rode with Josh Kydd at the 3sixty trial at the weekend, he was using Coust pads. They came direct from Coust, I had a feel and couldn't get them to slip no matter how much force I put through the back wheel in a forwards and backwards motion. I was thoroughly impressed.

    I know Heatsink sell Coust pads, now are these the same pads ( same material/compound, made the same)?

    I would love a set of those pads, but only want the ones that Josh had if they are different, if they are the same then I'll be contacting Steve for some.

    The pads in my picture are the same as josh has. got them from trialprod in plastic backings and took a set apart and cut them into metal backing. haven't tried them as am to busy at work but will test them over the next wk when i get a chance.

  15. this is either one of two things...

    - a sarcastic comment you know isnt true

    - you believing youre telling the truth

    if you have seen previous videos of danny, you'd know he actually knew how to front flip before he could back flip.

    I'll 2nd that, he's been front flipping for years. (Y)

  16. Hmmm, never amused by this talk of coust pads sold by heatsinkbikes being "fake". Please contact Michel Coustellier to confirm the situation!

    Gary, are those coust pads glued together by Michel really stuck on top of the magura backings with no portion of the pad submerged ?

    Peace and love,


    Hi steve, there only glued with a rubber resin not cut into the backing at all, couldn't believe it when I seen it, surely this could cause a accident if it were to fall off.

  17. Man, you just killed the work of Michel, he glues these pads with experience and knowledge. These pads you made will never be near the performance of real Coust pads in their original backings and unmodified. They also need no time to bed in, they bed in instantly as Michel pre-beds them... Just like TNN Belaeys. I hope you'll be happy with them though. If you don't, test some unmodified real Coust pads, you'll be amazed!

    Otherwise just get back to Heatsink Yellows as they hold better on a dead grind and don't eat the grind as fast as Coust pads do.

    wouldn't say i've killed them but yeah i know where your coming from. I'll try the other cousts i have in the plastic backings aswell. I always bed my pads in with a belt sander then fit to bike, always seems to take 10/15mins to work properly if set up perfectly square.

    thanks for the comment though i'll def take note of it. as said i'm only personally testing and messing about as it gives me something to do. (Y)

    Monster of a grind will sort that out :P

    :giggle: don't worry i'll try all sorts.

  18. Think i'll be trying some of these after my LGM's.

    How do they compare with heatsink yellows?

    Have not tried the so called real coust yet, only fitted them tonight so will test this week, will take a good few hours to bed them in so can't comment yet but as for the yellows i myself think there unbeatable IMO with a medium sharp grind. Not all people think this but they work for me and i've tried them all.

  19. Im running Heatsink "fake Coust"'s in rockman backings, and quite frankly there amazing. there is no difference bewtween the ones from trialprod and heatsink, cos my pads perform the same if not better as another riders ones from trialprod in plastic backings..

    This is my point of doing this test as i don't believe there is any difference as steve does a great job of his pads and wouldn't sell so called fake cousts. I find hsb coust awesome in the front, there deadly in the wet, very sharp i just find they slip/lack hold on the rear if i don't make a big gap or up to back quite right.

  20. Hi guys, well i was very interested in people going on about the so called (real cousts pads) so i orderd afew pairs from trialsprod last week, they arrived today so i thought why not give them a proper test and fit them to metal backings. This is the out come, not a bad job for my first go at cutting them. One thing i noticed was the colour is slighty darker than the HSB cousts but that means nothing, i have tried hsb coust and find they lack hold but the bite is brilliant so i will be comparing the 2. Just need to test them now and see if they can live up to all the hipe!!. I will be very surprised if they can match the HSB yellows.

    will up date soon





  21. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO who will be there to put us of and touch us while riding :(

    PS Send me a message Johny i want your bike.

    Haha I see theres loads of people gutted about this? NOT lol. I had my ear defenders ready for this round.

    Andy mind my mates bike, its still up for grabs if interested.


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