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Everything posted by thorn2403

  1. so r u sayin go for the phase 1.1? what are the benefits over the 1.2?
  2. hi all, I have been looking through threads about the mad phase bikes and people have said that it would be best to buy the the phase 1.2 instead of the 1.1 and spend the money that is saved on upgrading various parts. It isn't clear though, whether this is based on the RRP of the bikes or the price they can be bought at: mad phase 1.2 => rrp is £550 now £250 mad phase 1.1 => rrp is £750 now £300 as it is only £50 more, is the 1.1 worth it? Also, most trials bikes are single speed, so would it be a good idea to replace the gears with a singlespeed set up? Thanks for your help Ben
  3. I've been trying to improve my pivots, can comfortably rotate 90 degrees, but am struggling to get any further round... any tips for spinning further?
  4. doesn't seem to be much choice then really is there you said the spec isn't that great... whats better on the Zoot, and how much better is it?
  5. hey, i heard u ride an Ashton Effect? I'm trying to get into trials so am looking for a decent starter bike, and was wondering what the Effect was like to ride? Thanks. Ben

  6. don't really want second hand one :/ are there any other suggestions other than the Zoot? and how much difference would there be between the a trials/street bike and a dirt/street?
  7. i've looked at the zoot before, but yeh it's a bit over price limit and not too keen on getting a second hand one, know a couple of people who have had bad experiences from it. are there any websites that sell "last years" trials bikes? as a beginner I don't really need the latest and greatest
  8. hi guys, I want to get into trials riding - street rather than park, seems more appealing - but am not sure what bike to go for. before people start say get an Inspired Fourplay, I would love to, but as an 18 year old about to go to uni, I simply cannot afford to Is there any bike people can recommend for ~£400? Also, I know its technically a dirt/street bike, but would a DMR Drone be any good for what I want? Thanks for the help
  9. hi guys, i'm having a bit of trouble lifting the rear wheel whilst moving, such as when going obstacles or bunnyhopping. I've gotten the hang of lifting the wheel using endo's and controlling it whilst in the air. But my problem lies getting it in the air at the same time as the front wheel. Hoping someone on here could give me some pointers Thanks
  10. ok now im confused you've seaid anything over 1030 doesnt count and then said that between 1020 and 1040 are best
  11. however nice one would be, they are a bit out of my budget. I'm looking for one in the £300 region
  12. In that case, can anybody recommend a decent 24" bike? thanks
  13. ok, as a begginer i'll have a look out for a Mod, is there one that any of you can reccommend for about the same price as the M.A.D.? (£300) thanks
  14. Thanks again, How much would it cost to make these changes? Also i've been doing a bit of research and 20" seem to be very popular, Am i correct in thinking that 20" and 26" are best used for different things? if so, can you advise me to there benefits?
  15. Ok thanks for the help, I've replaced v-brake pads before but i noticed that they have hydraulic rim brakes, how much harder is it to replace the pads on these? Simliar question with the hub. Also i notice that most trials bikes run single speed, so would you recommend loosing the geers?
  16. hi all, I want to start trials riding but am unclear as a suitable bike to start of with. At the moment i have GT Chucker dirt jump bike, which probably isn't the best for this kind of riding. What i want to know: Is the M.A.D. Phase 1.1 suitable for a beginner (http://www.2x2worldwide.com/07RangePhase/PHASE-1-1.html) The bike has an RRP of £750 but is avaiable for ~£350 and as far as i can tell has pretty decent parts, but i figured I'd see what you guys thought since you probably know more about it then i do. thanks in advance
  17. Hi, I'm Ben i'm new to trials riding but am really keen to get into it. currently i dont own a trials bike, although i am practising on my GT Chucker XS1 drit jump bike, i'm guessing it will be easier on a dedicated trials bike Riding in East Norfolk
  18. thorn2403

    Phase 1.1

  19. thorn2403

    Phase 1.1

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