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ashleys sugden

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Posts posted by ashleys sugden

  1. Hello all

    Today i had a bad experience of snapping my chain and we all know how painful and scary it can be.

    I recently fitted a KMC 610HX on my bike around 7 weeks ago when i upgraded to ffw. The chain was joined by the pin as recommended by many on here and the chain tension was set precise like on the tarty tech video.

    I have found it rather unusual to snap in such a short period of time.

    Now the next bit.

    Back in April i fitted a KMC 510HX in blue as it was the only choice i had n wanted to get back on my bike soon as. The chain was connected with the old style split links in 3 pieces (safe as houses them). At the time i was running a pro2. The chain had lasted me up until november where i had changed it to a 610 for ffw set up.

    I just find it rather weird between both chains etc.

    Do i go back to a 610hx or 510hx? Or is there even an alternative on the market.

    Do people prefer joining a join by pin or split link?

    My final question is has anyone ever ran a motorcycle chain? I know Mr Watson n someone else from hull run em as when i bought a curve frame off Damon it came with one. (What pitch is the motorcycle chain? How does it compare to a KMC?



    my mate snapped his chain on his t-rex at a motorcross event, we went round the pits asking for a 50cc chain, he bought one for a fiver, and he rid it like that for 6 months, then he sold the bike to our mate, and i believe its still on now

  2. that is ridiculous!! to be fair though, my local bike shop don't know how to do most things on a trials bike, even though they used to be proper in to trials years ago. they know me and my mate do trials and they continue to sell us shit split links that dont last 5 mins, and inner tubes that dont last aha. its just that trials is so different to other kinds of bikes

  3. hi all, some of us are going up to the roaches on saturday, depending on the weather, should be a good ride, there are about 4 of us going at the moment. if anyone is not sure where the roaches is, it is just after Leek and the Buxton road, if you type in to google maps, "roaches" it does take you near to leek, and you will be able to see it on the map, you will need directions as you go through a small village sort of thing, not sure of i time yet, i need to ask the others, but i imagine it will be 12 ish 1 ish. thanks!

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