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Ben Gosden

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Status Updates posted by Ben Gosden

  1. I may have been Trapped :o

  2. Ooooooh such an early start tomorrow

  3. crikey!, three joining links snapped in two days :o.

  4. Oooooh man, finally got vegas pro but it sure is difficult.

  5. Anybody else on monster army????

  6. Onza.com is finally ready to be used again :D

  7. Got the weekend fully planned and packed to the very last minute.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      riding sheppey saturday and then when i get home i wanna build a truing wheel then sunday im at torry hill training and setting out a comp and ill probably have to finish the truing wheel when i get back.

    3. onza pro series guy
    4. Ben Gosden
  8. Need more local places to ride

  9. wow, i was camped in barrow farm over the weekend when a lion was on the loose in the area :o

  10. might try replacing the air in my tube's with helium clearly gunna cost more but think of the weight reduction

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ULtrialsguy


      Hydrogen is over 14 times lighter than air and helium is just over 7 times lighter than air. If you want to know the exact weight it would save I could work it out. Requires some fairly complicated equations. I'm a chemistry student so trust me. Personally I don't think it's worth the hassle.

    3. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      aha fair enough pal you obviously know what your talking about.

    4. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      aha fair enough pal you obviously know what your talking about.

  11. heading up to barrow early Saturday morning cant wait! :)

  12. ordered wrong size rotors, ooopps :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      aha too late now, by the way we are going to barrow this weekend i think

    3. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      aha too late now, by the way we are going to barrow this weekend i think

    4. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      Wish I had a car already, then I could get there :@

  13. wonder if jaf bikes would weld a disc mount onto the genesis frame :S

    1. Revolver


      Shit man, there's only one way to find out!

  14. hmm this year's release of new onza seems to be better last year :)

  15. grrrrr maintenance maintenance maintenance

  16. Birdy spraying services on the news tonight, keep an eye out ;) https://www.facebook.com/BirdysSprayingServices?ref=hl .

  17. always consider whats holding you back before you class it as impossible.

    1. Miss-Higgy


      Or don't consider anything, and just go for it! :P

    2. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      Haha not a bad method that ;)

    3. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      Haha not a bad method that ;)

  18. Just opened up a twitter acount, if anybody where to follow me it would be greatly appreciated. https://twitter.com/BenGozzy

  19. fixed rear sprocket has worn down way too far, had to buy a new one :(

  20. 2012 radfest edit out soon!! :D

    1. BradJohnson


      can't wait to watch

      new street edit from me soon to.

    2. Ben Gosden

      Ben Gosden

      Let me know when it is ay? ;)

  21. Friday 6th july itv1 9pm savage skills cyclo stunt team

  22. Friday 6th july itv1 9pm savage skills cyclo stunt team

  23. Friday 6th july itv1 9pm savage skills cyclo stunt team

  24. wants some trialtech sl carbon risers ??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. harmertrials


      think ross clayton is selling some for £40

    3. Burglarboycie


      I will buy them for 40!!!! Haha

    4. Laurence--Trials


      They're damaged and cut down an inch on each side. I was going to buy them but backed out. Might be good for a smaller/younger rider.

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