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Everything posted by xTommyTickles92

  1. That training programme worked perfect for me, I recorded all weight and reps and how I felt on the day, so I could eventually see gains in strength as well as keeping check of body fat and lean mass. The 30% is in the gym is true! I eat around 5 - 7 meals a day which you need to bulk. Meal 1: 3 Whole Eggs, 1/4 Cup of Oats and 1 Banana Meal 2: 1 Chicken Fillet with 75 grams of Brown Rice Meal 3: 3 Whole Eggs, 1/4 Cup of Oats and 1 Banana (or other fruit) Meal 4: Half a can of Tuna with Wholemeal Bread and Almonds Meal 5: 3/4 Greek Yogurt with Almonds or Cottage Cheese/Half a can of Tuna with Wholemeal Bread and Almonds Meal 6: Dinner - Any serving of Lean meat with vegetables or source of Carbs Meal 7: Bed-time - 1/2 cup of Cottage Cheese with Almonds
  2. Nice one Dan, good riding. You have surely got alot smoother since then!
  3. I train 5 days a week Day 1: Shoulders (Delts) Day 2: Arms (Biceps, Triceps) Day 3: Legs (Quads, Hamstrings) Day 4: Back (Traps, General Back) Day 5: Chest (Pecs) When training for any sport or for overall fitness, you should always train the whole body as all muscle groups require opposite groups, for example, biceps work with your triceps as opposing muscle groups. Also exercising your legs especially weight training sparks an increase in anabolic hormones which then causes an increase of the whole body. Also I recommended that you do supersets while undergoing weight training at the gym as it hits your muscle groups hard rather than just doing a single exercise and then resting. For example, if you are really wanting to increase your back size and strength, you will want to work on a compound exercise followed by an isolation exercise, so this will include a Deadlift followed by chin-ups or pull-ups. Wide grip pull-ups will give you the best increase in back size and strength. Also after your first exercise, in this case the Deadlift, make sure you go straight onto the Isolation exercise without rest, rest should be undertaken after the second exercise (Isolation in this case). Muscular Endurance: 12-18 Reps Size and Strength: 4-8 Reps If you don't understand compound or isolation exercises, just search them on google or any exercise website. Personally I started Trial biking around 2 months ago, so I am still learning the basics.
  4. xTommyTickles92


    That is beautiful! :P
  5. Trials is a power based sport as you are using explosive energy. Trials also works on your slow-twitch muscle fibers, meaning you are improving on endurance and aerobic capacity within the muscles. Also I would say trials is a good all round exercise as you are using most main muscles groups, but if you are not working at the gym as well you will not generate high amounts of strength,as strength is gained from high weight and low reps. As you are riding a bike that is light, you are mainly working on tone and endurability.
  6. Hi, I'm just wondering if it is possible to run a MB rear wheel on a Stock Trials bike, I've put it all together whilst waiting to save up for a trials rear wheel. I've also attached a chain tensioner, but the chain tends to click on the rear sprocket :/ Help will be much appreciated! Thankyou
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