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Posts posted by FamilyBiker

  1. that bike is seriously sexy btw!

    i am more the "buy new,rape it,then bin it" guy,i often just strip my bike down to the single bolt,then rebuild it though.

    seems to be a bike mechanic thing ;)

    but hey,you can buy my beat-up parts if you want,got a whole shed of them :)

  2. you cant put more than the 2 on the drive side or your bb will eat the 4 threads it's only sitting on,believe me ;)

    68bb:1 left 2 right

    73bb:0 left,1 right

    e-type derailleur/chainguide:1 left 1 right

    now sitting here and waiting for dan to declare my experience in bike mechanics as "bullshit" again lol


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  3. theword we are looking for is "clone"

    same sh*t with stems,i had a clean,a crewkerz and a procraft stem and they all were the same,even the technical numbers inside the steerer clamp.

    in china a big manufacturer just likes people to be over the moq (minimum order quantity) and get the money in advance and they build you everything

    we could take a tenner from every member on here,see whats the order quantity like and order 1000s of "trials-forum.co.uk" stems,no problem

  4. i've recently seen on ebay that onza/rocknrollbikes throw out their stock of fall guys and other forks at the moment.

    okay the 26"inch one is 440mm a-c,thats too much for a 24" bike.

    but i've noticed the 20" version to be 390 a-c and thought if someone ever tried to fit a 24" wheel into one.

    would be an interesting fork to have as a spare part for this money...

    please no weight comments,you all know i am a steel-is-real kinda guy and dont mind my bike being 12kg,so please only comments on the possibility of fitting a 24 wheel in the 20 version of the fall guy.maybe somebody has got one in the shed and could measure this.

    i mean, a 24" wheel with a holyroller has like 315mm in radius,but how wide are dem forks?

    thanks in avance guys and gals


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