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Everything posted by CalRobbo341

  1. MEGAA-BUMP!! Does anyone know if these frames are still on the market? Really interested in building a 24" up, that's if I get one of these 7 jobs :L
  2. I know but knowing me..somehow I would mess things up :L EDIT - I also had the angle grinder quite steep and it didnt do that much, just a light -medium grind I think it might be the disc though (quite worn down)
  3. Don't know mate, I just cba taking my rear wheel/tyre off :/
  4. CalRobbo341


    Grinding my rear rim with the tyre on and im just wondering if any of the shavings will puncture my innertube and or tyre? Can see a couple of shavings on the tyre now but will it affect anything? And has anyone ever ran a light grind with black magura's? Doing it on my front now and it gives quite a bite and really good sound? Thanks
  5. So nice!! When you say your brake mount arrived..do you mean v to 4 bolt? Ohhh edit - The disc brake one :|
  6. Im already running dual magura's, both rim's have a grind, running plastic cnc yellows also, so there fine, just an idea that is all. coool!
  7. Just in case people that are heavy and want to start riding trials, I know hopes are good but for example maybe a really bad cable disc brake that is improved to 2 really bad cable disc brakes :L.....I haven't thought about this very well, have I :')
  8. Has anyone ever thought about welding another disc mount onto a frame or fork? Then for example modifying the hub to be able to mount 2 discs onto it. Once that is done attach to discs onto the hub, then get two hope callipers then attach them to the frame or fork, get some hose splitters and then link it up to a hope lever and have double the braking power. I know motorbikes do this as they go at high speeds but if you really need some extra braking power? I can weld so I would try it although I don't have the money to buy two hope callipers and the rest of it..
  9. Thanks , Onza Blade 09, doesnt seem very flexy with no booster on it!
  10. Doing some shopping on tart's for Tuesday and I don't know if I should order a 2 or 4 bolt booster, I used to run a 4bolt back in the day, I also use a 20" mod! Thanks.
  11. Quick question, why do you have a brake booster if you already have a built in brake booster, does this mean if it did flex now it definitely wont?
  12. Just someone I am subscribed to on youtube
  13. The frame I am using now uses 110mm drop outs so I am sure it will be fine, Thanks jay!!
  14. Should have asked you first to be honest :') Thanks Will fit my rear wheel then
  15. Anybody that owns a Limey 320 (Grey) know what the spacing of the rear drop outs are? Quick answer please!! Thanks
  16. Think he means this, don't know the geo though :/
  17. I know you said you are not sure but where abouts would you get this done and do you know how much about, intrested in doing an old frame, just for the fun of it..
  18. I only use them forks because they are strong as anything! Recommend a rear booster but otherwise yeah everything is good about it
  19. I use trial tech sport 4bolt only on mine, but I'm getting a new frame this month..
  20. I have seen alot of wrecked parts, best advice I can give you is take your time, and don't rush anything.
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