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Posts posted by Aii_Aitch

  1. Pretty bike. Looks like it's worth £400, too.

    I'd see if you can haggle to £380 or get free postage, but that's just my Northern roots flaring up. ;)

    Also, if you decide not to buy it, then you shouldn't get bogged down in looking for certain geometries on a first bike either.

  2. So, I've flushed out all the old water, taken off the lever and left the bleed screw from the lever out.

    I tried pushing the piston out of the lever casing using a hammer and a 3mm allen key, but it won't budge. I've also put some WD40 down the lever end on the opening to try and get some lubrication against the piston and casing.

    Can someone shed some light on the subject?

  3. Hey, to the left of this post, you can see my profile picture, my amount of posts and something that says "Trials Monkey".

    Just wondering at what points these change by themselves, and how people have changed them to say different things?

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