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Posts posted by rhythm_101

  1. but if anyone hase any pashly forks with move 4-bolt mounts to sell, im open to suggestions, :P


    REALLY!! :o jeepers, the only prob is that i've heard he doesn't ship overseas!? is this true?¿ does anyone know if he has them in stock or is there an 8 month long waiting list... :P

    thanks again for your help. (Y):)

  2. does anyone know of a good length and rise for a stem to use with the E.T geo, i'm thinking a 70mm with 7deg rise stem might be good?


    P.S i'm also looking for some 26" forks to run on a 24" bike, with disc. i've narrowed it down to the echo control forks, or the echo pure forks (purely for the curved design of the legs)

    but if anyone hase any pashly forks with move 4-bolt mounts to sell, im open to suggestions, :P

  3. i only did what anyone would've done :)(Y) the noise that wayno made in the hospital when the nurse fixed him was classic! jaja i think he sacred most of the other patients there :lol: and akkers "swing ride" was THE most mental thing ive seen done on a trials bike, from the little riding i've seen of akkers (poxy spanish hospitals making you wait hours to get seen :sleeping::P ) it's safe to say that this dvd is going to kick anything elses arse!!!

    P.S watching these three guys ride has re-lit the trials flame :)(Y)

  4. right, it's not for a school project, we've already contacted a few companies that make some chain devices for MSC, it's not for a chain tensioner it's for a chain guide, and we already know it's going to be difficult, that's the challange :) i'll have a look at the companies you've suggested (Y) anyone else?

  5. It is hard to work with so your going to need to research how you are going to form it. Is carbon fibre the most suitable material or are you using it purely for looks?

    it's been used heavily in the bike industry for years now, everyone know the advantages (strength to weight ratio etc) and theres a few carbon chain guides knocking around, (one made by Ethirteen) we mainly want to use it for the low weight, and it's a bit of a chalange to keep us occupied :)

  6. Hi, my friend and i are in need of some info regarding carbon fibre. Basically we want to make a carbon chain guide (using an E-thirteen as the "insperation") just need some ideas of strength and flex , we're looking into using 4mm think pure carbon for the back plate, is there any special way of cutting it regarding the weave? will it be too flexy? or too brittle? anyone know of a place where we could order a sheet or two? if anyone has any info regarding carbon fibre, please don't hesitate to put it in here, al info is halpul :)(Y)

    thank you to everyone in advance

  7. haz-la-tarea.gif

    Anyone care to translate?

    Man- "Do the task"... Little girl-"no you need to say the word "mayia""(which doesn't seem to exist as i cant find it in the dictionary or on the tinternet... (N)

    EDIT: just realised that it's a G not a Y in the word "mayia", so it actually says "you need the say the word magic"

    EDIT 2:the first thing that came up when i typed my name in google pictures was me.....(from the pull a funny face comp a while back)...


  8. hi,

    I was incredibly bored and i remembered a topic on the best pics that you could draw in paint.. :P so i set about creating a masterpiece......i call it "Bad Weather"

    Bad Weather

    all you have to do is try to draw the best picture you can using only paint, the winner will recive all the online love there is...:huh:

    happy drawing :) :P

  9. howdy,

    I've decided to dust of the woodstock frame that was under my bed to make a change from my T-rex, i was basically sick of all this U.C.I, i lost my urge to ride trials ;) buuuut now iv'e decided to release my creative side, and have some fun with mabuals and spinny stuff :P therfore needing a nice streety pair of bars, that are'nt too expensive but relatively strong... please feel free to contribute your ideas...:)

  10. i keep going on about the police over here, but seriously Rich_87 and you lot are right, police should be alowed to carry arms, like the police here...jesus even the security guards at the train station that check your tickets carry heat.. (Y) .. a bit drastic you might think, but it seems to work.... :angry:

  11. hi, does anyone know the name of the company that makes the 24" chrome rims?

    is it Araya or sun rims, please cold someone give me a link to the manufacturereere's's' website, or the european distributor :P

    all help much obliged!


  12. «deepthroat is the only way to be happy.» :)

    «deepthroat for your health.»

    «I quit smoking with deepthroat.» (Y)

    «deepthroat nonstop.»

    «Share moments, share deepthroat.» :o

    «deepthroat is a female force.»

    «Enjoy deepthroat.»

    «I want more, I want deepthroat.»--how true :huh:

  13. i think people associate smoking with stress relief because when smoking a cigarrette you're deep breathing, like you do i yoga ;) this is the thing that calms you down, not the tobacco, then people get hooked on the drug, and smoke to calm themselves down (Y)

  14. is that match video magazine?¿

    if so, they came to barcelona, we rode with jeff loneskys best friedn, can't remeber his name! jajaja but yeah they did some crazy mountain bike tailwaips etc :) (Y)

  15. i've had loads of experience with this exact problem, there really isn't much you can do or worth doing, the design is really poo, because you cant put mucho pressur on the spanner 'cos it slips off, i would leave it in and say `tiss not woth it :) (Y)

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