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Posts posted by AWT

  1. Whats peoples routines on here? Think I'm gonna mix mine up and hit chest and back on the same day and put it in twice a week

    pull push legs x 2

    Whats peoples routines on here? Think I'm gonna mix mine up and hit chest and back on the same day and put it in twice a week



    delts arms


    or pull/push/legs


    For beginners, everything 3 sets of 10 IMO, starting very easy and increasing as the weeks go by. Don't be tempted to go for either high volume or high reps in the beginning because you'll only injure yourself. (I've had several injuries from doing both).

    Concentrate on the big lifts IMO. A good beginner routine to stick with is deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press and cable lat pull downs. Start with bar only (20kg bar) for each and add weight when you need it.

    It's really important to learn form properly and to see what your body is like and your personal weirdnesses. For example, most people prefer to deadlift barefoot but I use the same shoes I squat in which have a solid heel and a heel lift, most people find this sets the bar too low in relation to their shins but I have very long arms for my height (5'10" tall, 6'2" arm span), so it puts me in the correct position at the bottom of the deadlift.

    Read lots on the internet, go try things out, then read more on the internet, then try it out again. Lifting really can be approached as a science IMO, which is one of the reasons I love it so much. Every workout is an experiment for me. :P

    For beginners, everything 3 sets of 10 IMO, starting very easy and increasing as the weeks go by. Don't be tempted to go for either high volume or high reps in the beginning because you'll only injure yourself. (I've had several injuries from doing both).

    Concentrate on the big lifts IMO. A good beginner routine to stick with is deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press and cable lat pull downs. Start with bar only (20kg bar) for each and add weight when you need it.

    It's really important to learn form properly and to see what your body is like and your personal weirdnesses. For example, most people prefer to deadlift barefoot but I use the same shoes I squat in which have a solid heel and a heel lift, most people find this sets the bar too low in relation to their shins but I have very long arms for my height (5'10" tall, 6'2" arm span), so it puts me in the correct position at the bottom of the deadlift.

    Read lots on the internet, go try things out, then read more on the internet, then try it out again. Lifting really can be approached as a science IMO, which is one of the reasons I love it so much. Every workout is an experiment for me. :P

    agree with this, start by getting as much benifit from as little work, that way you can increase volume/frequency/weight as you progress

    another point i feel is very important do not neglect rear delts/upper back/traps

    this is why push pull legs is best to start to prevent the shoulder imbalances that everyone gets from to much pressing (kyphosis)

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