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Everything posted by thefletch

  1. impressive stuff and nice vid but the vid itself lacks something compared to ur 20" vids, just compare this vid to the epic that was ''Z00 23''. They are a completely different kettle of fish. But you do seem to know no limits on any bike.
  2. cheers for the comments people, James, the vid was made kinda quickly and we only had enough footage to make the vid as long as it is. Shame realy because it was goin quite well. Not quite used to the xtp fully yet, keping goinover the bars and losin the front end off things, also i couldnt gather the bottle to get the rail line at the waterfront dialled so gotta go back to bristol soon. lol
  3. shut up dan, u lift urself up of the forks and rim both wheels doing so, works but its a bit of a frame wrecker. Just think how many frames you have had and broken (cough 5), kinda proves my point. Disc was making ''turkey'' noises last nite and working the same, tonight it doesnt make any noise and it doesnt work half as good, need a straight rotor i thinki lol.
  4. cheers for the comments lads, soon my full length vid should be out. Something to look forward to lol. hehe
  5. I think Dan made a mistake with the post about the quality parts... www.koxx.fr is what he meant to say, like he said, quality.
  6. get a mini seat and stick a ''sharp'' object in it. And as mini seats are raely fixed in u can just wack out ur mini seat to reveal a narly lookin fighting device. Bit of a mad idea and a bit late now but bare it in mind lads.
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