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Everything posted by thefletch

  1. gutted to f**k mate, hehe, r u riding friday? we'll go get it delt with on proper camera, i gotta do the 12footer again too.
  2. a helicoil kit is about £20 anyway mate so you could do it yourself, my brother just got all his 4 bolts done
  3. link aint working for me. Dave you are a legend. Lastly, it is actualy impossible for someone to have more free time than you dave marshall.
  4. From the album: me

    the freehub body
  5. From the album: me

    the hub
  6. yeh, on the pipes it was, foot on pedal then kick, problem was, the top of the pipe was only like 2-3inches wide.
  7. maybe come along. Jon u asked me and said you where thinking of friday lol
  8. I'm going beleive it or not. Cya there if i'm still alive after the week, or if i'm still on the team even, lol, i'm gona be dominated all week until some non-world champions turn up lol :"> all good though, cant fooking wait. (Y)
  9. cheers dude's. cheers for stickin up 4 me james but matt has a point y no1 beleived u. Who said I was american???????
  10. Why did you buy a rear disc knowing its gona break your frame
  11. james i thought we were gona keep that quite. lol. Did it actualy get pci of the day, if so that will probly be my best acheivement to date, ever. by: ''I totally take back everything I said before.'' No idea when before was but cheers anyway.
  12. Just found out my camera is back in a week or two so i'll bung some more up then
  13. i may come along, depending on if i can gain a train buddy, but me and onzamike hav had a few fallout on here so i dont wana cause tensions
  14. if link dont work, then look in recent uploaded movies
  15. Rite people, was gona save these clips forma video, but cant be arsed to wait that long so here they are, a couple quite entertaining comments from hobbsie in this. http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria...southampton.wmv http://www.eengoedidee.nl/videoz/bike-tria..._drops.wmv(just a line or two) Its engoljfhsdkfhkjsafj which i used to hate, but just registered in under a minute and the site is well quick for downloading/uploading so I suggest yol register. it'll save tyrials-shack some bandwidth as well for things like this. enough blah! enjoy
  16. Doh, realy wana come but i cant get the day offd because I'm already taking daysd off for koxx days, I was seriously seriously looking forweard to comps again this year, looks like a job change is due.
  17. I had a bent chainring which did the same to my brisa, only I noticed it(how you didnt I dont know) and put things rite, there are reasons for it rubbing, my fault.
  18. I got some perfect cond Koxx bars, soonish, I can sand them down if you dont like blue. :">
  19. Thats even funny than my last quote, funny funny comment there, made me laugh that did
  20. rude video you got there, some cool stuff, And why can people on coustelliers sweep-swap so high, lol
  21. hahahahahahahahhaha, nice
  22. Boon, the other bench you can see is on a different level to where i took off. Straight to rail, then to back of bench, then to gravel, then slide out and fall off, kinda landed it. james did it but his wheel also turned square so that put me off.
  23. cheers people, i've added a couple more, better quality pics but smaller lines
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