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Everything posted by bonzojim

  1. hi gid, the bike looks lush, hope you enjoy it see you soon mate. james s.
  2. hi all , you could also go straight to the uk distributer NSE on 07000 442232. james s.
  3. what is it like at ramsgate then? anything good to ride? cheers james ...
  4. nice pics lads , love to have an indoor riding spot. james s.
  5. i might come over tom. james s.
  6. blimey that was quick i only saw the post last night.
  7. nice vid steve really enjoyed it, cant wait to ride there. james s.
  8. really like the look of the range of riding gear fred, something for everyone street or natural, nice to see something different. james s.
  9. nice to see the results up, thanks to everyone who set out and organised the trial, my ride was ok, i let a few things get to me during the day, my result shud have been better hopefully next time i will do that, weather was preety good, so all in all not bad day! see you at the next one! cheers james...
  10. yayyyy a picture of me hehe, nice pictures matey, was a good day, had an alryt ride shud been much better though, sections were preety gd especially section 2, see you all at the next one! cheers james...
  11. no probs dave , i sold it to him today , its like new , lucky lad. see you soon dave at the nationals . james s.
  12. its just you dave and ash a bit . james s.
  13. wow thats a nice bike charles , im sure i recognize it, you looked like you was riding it well today mate , enjoy it , have lots of fun. james s.
  14. hi tom, no rocks mate, lots of mud water, logs more mud , see you soon tom. james s.
  15. hi charles, its a great place to ride, you do need to phone to ride and its a tenner for the day but your guaranted a great days natty riding, see you sunday mate.
  16. had to make a new thread wouldnt let me put em up othetwise
  17. try again[atta chment=22386:hook_woods_5.JPG]
  18. yeah sorry i'll try again in a min
  19. elo peeps, my Dad took a few pictures from on sunday at hook woods. nothing special, and some may be a bit blury. cheeers james...
  20. what a loads of crap!!!!!!!!!! i do like both types of riding because i think its good to mix it up a bit to become a complete rider if you get what im saying, street is good fun but gets borin a bit to quickly because of the fact that everything is just the same all the time, and all of one shape, where as when riding natural you need a reasonable level of fitness, its all always very challenging, it takes much more skill and effort, just my opinion. cheers james...
  21. hi all im riding hook woods tomorrow, the weather looks good so should be a good riding day. james s
  22. bonzojim

    Biu License

    joe the application form is on the download page on www.ukbiketrial.co.uk so you should be ok for koxx days , see you there. james s.
  23. hi , yes they are good i use them all the time and never had a problem with them, you can buy them off NSE or trialsman 07000 442232. james s.
  24. thanks for the comments lads, cheers. james s.
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