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Everything posted by i_rule_the_world

  1. sounds like it a good thing i didnt go, the people who go changed from only sports/music fans like 2/3yrs ago to chavs with mini-moto's, last year put me off big time. and if i did go i wuda stayed with todge and them lot :). f**king chavvy wankers, soz to hear it
  2. ali c is right. it is technique but also big part is psychology. psychology separates the winners. i done a few p.e. projects on trials and techniques etc, used computer programs for figuring out force produced by muscles speed etc. and there ain't much difference between power generated from me (bad technique) and power generated from tunni. most of time get the sternum of body up to same level but not the bike, so technique is key. watch videos of yourself compare to others visualize etc, but technique can only take u so far, after that it is psychology, if you believe you can do summit you ARE more likely to do it than if u are unsure. look at the article that TRA wrote a while ago about psycology, very good reading. cant find link though, had summit about a pink dragon in it lol i never thought p.e. would come in useful again, anyways hope this helps
  3. cool vid (Y) oh vid capture cards Cheapness full list ebuyer prob the best place to look for anything to do with comps for price.
  4. http://www.trialsworld.com/ a few on there, trials -> vids -> hook woods akrigg, kurt brain, ashton and barry husk
  5. lol yeah thats right joe... here is some american guy saying lol voice LOL
  6. nah can still do normal activitys but really have to stop when it hurts the slightest, cause that is where the cartlidge is being worn down I guess this site should come in useful..... knee problem got symptoms and shit but I would thouroghly recomed going to doccys incase u have ligament or tendon probs....
  7. been to doccys my knee problem from riding is called chondromalacia patella which is softening of the cartlidge behind the patella(knee cap) it heals itself but takes 2yrs roughly, and if u think u have it as soon as it starts to hurt in your knee stop doing the activity so it will not rub away your cartlidge. if your knee hurts when u put pressure on it/move ur kneecap from side to side with your hand and it hurts a bit, ull have it thought u guys might want to know :thumbsup: chars RU
  8. i_rule_the_world

    05 May 2006

    Awesome weather/in stoke on trent
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