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Posts posted by chrishayton

  1. In that artical it says "obesity affects us all"

    How? surely it just affects the lazy people who cant be arsed exercising and eating truck loads of food, everyone i know who is obese is lazy and eats too much and/or the wrong kind of food.

    stupid scheme and whats stoping the fattys driving then walking into the school and using this card system..

    the only way it affects us all is schemes like this where tax payers have to pay for...

  2. Seeing as only one state has actually counted votes (New Hampshire going to Obama) that's not based on any kind of fact at all...

    true lol. they changed their headline on their page now anyway

  3. Went into town and had a go on one of the new macbooks today.

    Very impressed, they look really nice, nice bright screen etc and the new track pad is really good. Very smooth and responsive and the whole pad being a button works great as well. All the gestures work well on it too and I can see a lot of people finding them really useful.

    yeh had a quick play with one, really nice to use. however way overpriced, 950 quid is a joke.

  4. wow, you managed to capture some footage of the lesser spotted Iolo cook! Looks like a cool ride and I am glad to see will has the correct wheel size now :)

    that line from the wall to the pillar that aran did is soo much harder than it looks on that video. cool to see manc, you missed all the best places though

  5. It's looking nice, dont you think?

    very but the macbooks are suposed to have gone down in price, the old white one is 20quid more and the alu is £950! way over-priced wish it was 6-700 so I could actually justify buying one. (and afford it)

  6. Is everyone excited? I'm looking at you here, Dave :P

    I am lol. Ive been needing to get a laptop for months but didnt wana buy the plastic macbooks knowing theres a new one around the corner.

    Wish Id just bought one now as been waiting so long

  7. Because they didn't need it.

    You don't have to, they've come with a 2 button mouse since October 2005.

    Oh and if the only problem you can find with them is that "They don't come with a two button mouse" then I wouldn't have said they had that many flaws, really. People complain about the price, but I much prefer the build quality of a Mac over a PC. Most PC laptops, even high end ones come in crappy plastic cases, they weigh a ton and the battery life is awful, gimme a nice aluminium MacBook Pro any day.

    While we're on the topic, new laptops from Apple on Tuesday :)

    Really hope this turns out to be true as ive been waiting for the new macbooks for months, Although I will only be happy if they are alu.

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