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Posts posted by chrishayton

  1. That spider isn't a huntsman, we only have one poisonous spider, which is the black widow, and the rest aren't capable of biting you. It's a common house spider, I would've thought.

    Yeh looks like a big house spider.

    Btw since when do the UK get black widows!

  2. love the 3rd and last shot. the shadow of the rider adds an extra interest to the photo! great editing with the colour tones too. didn't know you can add gradient filter on lightroom, gotta have a look on that!

    I think its only lightroom 2

  3. As it's been said that one is awsome! So the sky is just a gradient effect? One that photoshop already has orrrr?

    Its actually on Lightroom as its less faff to use then photoshop but its possible to get the effect easily enough. But yeh on lightroom you can add grad filters pretty easy. I tend to add grad filters in computer now rather than carrying them around with me.

    Thanks for all the comments. Much appreciated.

  4. right guys, come to put this right, can i jsut say everything that has been said by "me" "timmorley" isnt actually me, it was matt smith that has got hold of my log on details and decided to write abuse to everyone. i apologise for all of this and i hope it doesnt happen again.



    How did he get hold of your details then? If you gave him your password then you are responsible for the things that happen on your account.

  5. Thats epic riding. I have no idea how you managed any of that. For one it must be incredibly scary being on back wheel on a bin for instance with no control of looping out. Thats one of the best shows of trials skill ive ever seen. Very impressed Rowan. By the way are they the same geo Ashton frames as the old ones?

  6. oh my god, trials doesnt evolve around trials-forum, mat will ride how he wants, just gtfo of the thread, if u dont want to ride with mat dont lol, doesnt really effect his life, even if i didnt ride trials atleast id have a life without it. LOL.

    out now, bye.

    Seriously this thread shouldn't just be closed it should be deleted, I'm embarrassed to be a trials rider and member of this forum at times.

    Trials forum used to be such a great site. Hardly any arguments, Most people actually knew each other and there was no ignorant c**ts trying to be cool and cause issues

    I have to say people like you and the rest of the 'try to be cool and piss everyone off' crowd have ruined what was once a great trials community.

  7. This is from my experience. I found that going to the gym and doing weights for strength and size increase has boosted my trials moves, I hardly ride these days but when I do my technique aint great as I havent rode for a few month but my sidehops and gaps have got bigger. Especially sidehops. My bike just feels lots lighter and easier to ride. SO to the people who think strength doesnt help with trials is stupid. Power and strength is crucial in 99% of sports especially one thats as intensive as trials.

  8. why does it matter, the skills in getting up something..

    Not really. Theres some pretty big drops in competitions and if you land badly and roll out of section or put your feet down its all over. So its pretty vital you can drop 6 foot or so and land smoothly

  9. I had it at Alevel a few years ago and to be honest all you can do is rest, there no real treatment for it except rest. Its a shitty thing to get but hopefully in a couple of weeks you ll be feeling alot better. It can take 6 month though sometimes to feel 100% so stay off the bike for a couple of months at least.

    Hopefully your blood test will come back ok and your just a bit run down.

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