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Everything posted by ant

  1. What a question, very difficult errmmm Martyn Ashton, with out him i never would of heard about trials,Danny Mac for having the biggest set of balls and just going for it and then Rowan Johns for just making it look effortless. I could probably name two or three more to be honest.
  2. Just get out and ride with other people check the organised rides on this site and go and meet up with people, you will have loads of fun and learn much more just watching riders at different levels.
  3. I have just got my son a BMX for christmas, after building it up for him i really got the urge to ride trials again. Now the problem is i dont know what to do go for what im used to and get a stock bike or get a 24 inch frame so i can ride werever my son rides, could someone help me out and tell me the pro's and cons to 24 over 26 inch frames, thanks
  4. jesus im 33 and are forever being told to grow up of people
  5. the best way to learn is get out and ride with other people especially advanced riders you will learn so much from just watching them and most people would be happy to help you and tell you were your going wrong.
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