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Everything posted by JTM

  1. JTM

    What Bmx For £200?

    Check your PMs Sound as long as your willing to ride ramps and shit?!
  2. I quite fancy dabbling in a bit of BMXing at the mo, so what BMX should I go for for £200 ish? It will be skatepark only that I ride. I would buy 2nd hand but I dont really know what Im looking at to be honest. Ive done bmxing before btw so im not a total beginner. How about these? http://www.winstanleysbmx.com/product/19576/Stolen_Riot_Bike_2009 http://www.winstanleysbmx.com/product/14022/MirraCo_Black_Pearl_2_Bike_2008 and my mate is looking ta this one? http://www.winstanleysbmx.com/product/17973/Haro_X3_Bike_2009
  3. Give me some credit, jesus! The vids were on the HDD Absolutely wank-ily, I reinstalled the video drivers and vlc and now it magically works...gay
  4. I have a Advent 5301 Laptop which has: SIS Mirage3 integrated graphics (256MB shared) Its a fresh install of xp, and I used this: http://www.sis.com/d.....php?id=155954 Which from what I can gather is the latest driver for the gfx? Installed VLC player. It will open and play my .mp4 videos from my video camera, and there doesnt look like theres anything wrong with the quality of the video, except it pauses and jumps? The camera says it records in 1440 x 1080 / 1240 / 720 on the box, and my laptop runs 1280x800 resolution, so I thought that may be the problem, but my PC (which the vids work fine on) still only runs 1280x1024 Any ideas???
  5. JTM

    Itunes Question?

    Im new to iTunes: If I have the music library pointed to the "My Music" folder, which Is where all my downloaded torrent albums/limewire songs go to, does itunes not automatically add new songs/albums as they appear in the My Music folder? Do I have to manually add them to the library?
  6. Theres another problem in that due to where the HDD's are located, an adapter will need to be mounted remotely using a male-female ribbon cable as there isnt space for the adapter once the side of the case is on. I then will have to buy ANOTHER adapter Y splitter thing in order to get power to it. Grrrrrr. I think ill just sacrifice one of the DVD drives. God knows why it has 2 anyways as Ive never even put a disk in the 2nd one. All this has come to a halt though as last night I night I hit a blue screen of death when trying to download a crack for a program. Not been able to get on the bloody thing since. I need to get access to my HDD in order to getr all my pics etc off the bloody thing though grrrrrrr. Tried running an Ubuntu live cd to get access, and I do. But it doesnt actually let you make changes to hard drives etc.
  7. Right my current PC has a 250gb HDD sata (I think?) and I have a 200gb samsung IDE (ribbon cable and power plug?) that I want to add. What cables/adapters am I gonna need to fit this? I had it working in the past by using the ribbon cable from one of the DVD drives, I copied all the files off the HDD and then removed it. I now need to leave it installed so obviously using the DVD drives ribbon cable isnt possible. Any ideas? Thanks
  8. I just really enjoyed watching that!
  9. Brakes sturned up today, as described and all good. Still a tool for being crap to get in touch with though etc
  10. Payment was made to him on the 7th of Jan via paypal, £30 for his maguras. Still not received them. Anyone know him and got a number for him etc? Thanks
  11. Good info, thanks Copying all my shit now
  12. Ok its showing up now as D: but when I click it it says drive is not formatted, do I want to format. Obviously I dont, so any ideas? Im proud, fixed it myself EDIT: Jumpering to slave is wrong. As the other drive is Master SATA, this drive is the Master IDE, even though its the slave in the overall scheme of things. Thanks for the help
  13. I just bought Anal's PC off him, and im trying to stick my old HDD in the PC to grab all my music etc off it. Trouble is, the HDD in the new PC has 2 connectors, ones about 20mm long and the other is 10mm long. The HDD im trying to add has the 40mm long ribbon connector and a 4 pin power cable thing. I spotted that the DVD drive in the new PC has the same connections, so thought id try and use them. Plugged it in, changed boot order to run 2 HDD's but nothing? Any pointers? Ta
  14. I have HND level mechanics question to do on eccentric loading. It involves a metal sheet with 9 strain gauges along its centre, a load is applied at opposite ends putting the piece under tension, the question gives readings for the 9 gauges and wants you to work out what the "theoretical stress distribution" is across the metal using "simple bending theory". Ive been searching the net for a while, and im having no luck. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks
  15. Currently I have: PC connected to modem with ethernet cable, broadband 10meg I think Ive just got a Acer aspire mini notebook that has wireless. Id like to have the laptop wireless and then PC wired to the internet but also be able to send files to the laptop from the PC and vice versa. Whats the best way to do this? Is all I need a wireless router? Thanks
  16. I have a civil response to this....... For a start, this: is not true. Do you define a chavmobile as a modified car? I drive a "modified" mx5, it looks exactly the same as any mx5 externally, does that make me a chav? Money is better spent on a newer better built car? I dont think so! For a start, cars are worse built now imo than they ever were! And from an economy point of view, you will loose far more buying a brand new car from depreciation. Not everyone buys cars to get from A - B as efficiently as possible you know? I have a £150 M reg fiesta, it gets 48mpg and is damn reliable, comfortable and does 300 miles a week to work. But on the other hand I have a modified mx5 with 200bhp, gets 22mpg when drive hard (always) and I spend most weekends lying under, fixing. Would I want it any other way? nope.
  17. JTM

    Pc Fan Problems :(

    Not sure if that will fit under my graphics cards fan wire thing? Is that all I need or does it need thermal paste under it etc?
  18. JTM

    Pc Fan Problems :(

    http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct....&subcat=818 That all I need?
  19. Its the little square silver one just to the right of the middle of the pic. Its dying. How do I get it off? And where can I get a replacement fan? Thanks
  20. JTM


    Ive got the try all one you want £15 posted? Or with a spare pair of used azonic bars (not sure if sw or dw) for £20 posted the lot?
  21. Well I ended up buying a geforce 8600 GT (my tv out stopped working about 2 years ago aswell) and now all is fine. Speed fan doesent show up GPU anymore, but in the place where it was, its says 36 degrees
  22. Fan 1 is my mother board Fan 3 is my Graphics card, which appears to be on fire? I have another case fan, but that doesnt show ip, whys that?
  23. 99% sure mines PCI express. or this one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Palit-NVIDIA-GeForce...bayphotohosting
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