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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Just as a side note, im 99% sure, insurance companies have to give you the FULL ammount remaining back if you cancel the policy within 14 days (ie they take 8 days worth and thats it)
  2. what lyrics? Does it go "I cann stttttttttttttaaaaaaay around for this I can feeeeeel, what you give" etc
  3. JTM

    Please Close

    I say go with it. in the words of Euan McGreggor "You never know, it could be wonderful"
  4. Something sounds majorly bad if your getting oil spray from your dump valve..... check your oil level. Sounds like one of the seals have gone int he turbo or the likes so oil from the turbos bearing feed is somehow getting into the air flow and is being flung out the dump valve when you lift off. Problem is, when your not lifting off, its going into your inlet?!
  5. JTM

    Who Plays Cs:s?

    im about to have a bit of a bash now if anyone wants to play JTM - Team Super Stud or failing that my email VVVV
  6. JTM

    Who Plays Cs:s?

    Me and anal and a few mates (Bongo just got it aswell) play css quite a bit. Anyone play? what servers etc?
  7. JTM

    Car Choices Ohhhh

    easy to get more power out of a corsa? Do tell me hows its easy to get more power out of a 1.4 corsa engine? You insurance will rocket once you declare all them mods and be over a grand. And if you dont plan on insuring them your a idiot. Id go for the golf/polo, if not only to steer you away from chavved up cars, as its quite hard to ruin a older VW
  8. Are you kidding? These things fall into the same category as the increased mpg/performace chips that are on there, or the air filters which claim 25bhp. They are for iditots who stick bits of plastic to their cars.
  9. Jesus, is the car even worth that?! Id say if its a decent enough garage they will sort you out
  10. Be prepared to go over and over every setting, each time getting more frustrated, but getting no further tis fun
  11. ive done exactly this, making the none working tv the main display so many times. Have to start in safe mode then system restore its usually F5 i think or f8
  12. Ive got a Nvidia card and once had tv out working. Did a format and ever since it wont work. Ive tried everything and I mean everything to get it back working and it just wont, so dont get your hopes up
  13. shut it you gum you wouldnt realise the hassle losing your keys causes. i dont know how the f**k anal scaled my house and got through a shitty little window, but i will bet all the money in the world he couldnt do it sober
  14. JTM

    What Speakers

    to be honest for £120 you can do alot better than eltax. The second hand 100-200 market is always booming. You can get some very good baragins. Lots from mission, kef and like tom said, B&W. Have a little look on ebay at those names
  15. JTM

    Earth Angel Please

    anal i think me are you are the only people left with all the songs from the 3 vids lol
  16. Allow me to answer this that's just unfair - It's always the little ones that kill you. with bongo its always the ones that kill you, ie. every thing And I dont spose his sponsors will be arsed due to massive ammount of kiddies that try and neck bongo in rw on a regular basis. He loves it the gummy twat
  17. JTM

    What Speakers

    floorstanders or bookshelfs? colour? 2nd hand ye?
  18. Are you home you horrible gummy twat? Me and anal were gonna pop down? Just to prod it a bit like
  19. JTM

    Mr Thomas A Eley

    dont worry toms just gay, you will get your stuff
  20. Good luck you gummy twat. You heal like jesus remember, January is pesimistic lol
  21. JTM

    Songs Wanted

    fruit twat you sexy b*****d
  22. JTM

    Cleaning My Car

    your not meant to let wax "dry"
  23. My BBRs exhaust manifoldis cracked which Is a none replacable item due to them not being made any more. A replacement SS manifold is likely to cost over £350. Does anyone know of a decent welder int he north west region, capable of welding cast iron???
  24. Im currently doing a Aeronautical engineering apprenticeship with BAE, min time is 3 years 2 months, max time 4 years
  25. Huh?! Facias, all head units are of one (or two) sizes adapters, he just said hes including that wtf is a controller?! leads? what leads?
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