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Everything posted by JTM

  1. Well do you know or not?! Its me asking the question so why ask me one back! If I knew the answer was a new graphics card I wouldnt have bothered with this topic would I! lol
  2. Currently im running: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Processor 1.81ghz Asus Motherboard 1gb of DDR ram NNIDIA GeForce 6600 LE gfx card 256mb Basically it runs half life 2 pretty well but struggles on frame rate at intensive times, and I havent got everything set to max. Im about to finish episode 1 and buy episode 2, but Ive heard its much closer looking to the Lost Coast demo which my PC doesnt run all that well. I want it to. I want to know the most cost effective way of make it running htese games a little better. I will most likely try and get the parts off EBAY so ones that are common would be useful. To clarify, im not looking for a new PC. just a bit more oomph for these games. Oh and my PC is kept in top condition and all other background programs are closed during gaming, before you mention it
  3. Ian is that you? Or do I have totally the wrong person? Money would be better spent on decent front speakers and a small amp for them imo
  4. Im very curious to know what drugs (E, coke) feel like, but would never have the bottle, bit like tomm, to try them. Too much to loose and my did died fit and healthy from a heart attack at 46, so I dont think I ever will.
  5. Ah Pete Wright, those were the days. When trials was good and this forum wasnt full of kids! Hes a funny guy, serious problems that guy has. The ammount of shit he would chat had most of us in tears. sigh
  6. Yes miles better. When did you download it? I was trying to find it the other day and it seems to have gone as they are no longer releasing it? Got a link?
  7. JTM

    Hangover Cures

    wrong, a hangover is down to dehydration. Get PLENTY of water down you before bed and it seriously helps the hangover in the morning. Or make yourself sick on the walk home. And get a subway instead of a chippy. mmmmmm
  8. JTM

    f**ks Sake.

    2 bald tyres = 6 points 6 points and your banned Simple If you wanted to keep your lisence you should have maintained your car Harsh and unlucky but true
  9. Jesus stop crying, who gives a shit if hes a VW enthusiast or not? The mk2 GTI, whilst being a classic car is not actually THAT good. If your saying keep it standard then its not very quick and doesnt handle all that well. i love how they look but thats pretty much all it can do, look like a mint classic car. Cars are to be driven imo, and if I was you Id sell that to the first VW enthusiast mug arse who wanted to pay 2k for it and go buy yourself a little less mint car and get it modded in a way to make driving it more fun. I find it funny when the VW boys get hot under the collar over a mint condition car like this, when all they want to do is get it, polish it and drive it to shows.
  10. Despite how certain situations would benefit from it, we cant have different laws/rules for different people/groups. If one bull is slaughtered due to being postive for TB, any that are positive should be killed. This is of course disregarding the fact that the religion is f**king stupid anyway
  11. You dont get a credit rating for an account sitting there doing nothing. If you pay monthly credit card bills on time, your rating will increase.
  12. Well you only get a credit rating by making payments on time etc. So thats pointless
  13. Sure, If it was up to me id introduce the "tit-o-meter" and if you fail the test and are a idiot your not allowed to drive at night, leaving those with a bit of common sense to do as they wish. BUT, that aint gonna happen is it? So the only way to do it is to stop everyone. Id say just as many people crash 1l cars as they do the 2l turbos. Its not the car, its the driver. But I agree a restriction is only a good thing. But insurance prices go some way to restrict engine size unless you have plenty of £££. The main issue here is that there are 2 kinds of people, those who follow the law and those who dont. Its those who dont follow it who we are trying to pin new laws onto, and by definition, that aint gonna work is it?
  14. Whats the point in queuing up for it? So you can read it as fast as possible and say "FINISHED!"???
  15. It does seem to be the people who are 17/18 and/or just passed or passing thier test that complain about this. When the slightly older, 20s etc see it as a good thing. No one can deny the fact that young lads at 17 pass their test, go out in their corsa with their mates and get it wrong somehow and wrap it. Im not saying thats everyone, but it is a very common situation, thus why the figures are so high. Putting the age up to 18 is only a good thing imo. The main issue is not stopping one person dying, but the whole car full of 17 year olds. So if they wanna get motorbikes let them, it will only be themselves they kill. As for the driving at night, also another good idea. As "cruzin" is detrimental in alot of ways, not least when they fly down country roads they dont know and wrap it. All in all, the best solution is just more police. Really. Get them off the motorways etc and get them round town centres of a night and patrolling te perimeter roads. Thats the way i see it anyways
  16. 34miles each way to preston. So just under 70 miles per day. Takes me 35mins in the morning and 45 mins coming home, its sheep shit
  17. erm a minute for a turbo timer is plenty, 40 secs is even plenty on all but the biggest turbos, 30 secs would do most of us. 5 mins your just wasting petrol
  18. Yes but im sure it could be made to function with XP witht he correct drivers, keep searching, it will work
  19. Yeah Bongos pizza place wins all, first time I went there I got a free, yes FREE wasp cookd into my pizza.......nice
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...p;rd=1&rd=1 Thats the laptop. I will be wanting to send music and a little bit of video over from my PC. Dont have wireless. Whats the best way? Also if I want to upgrade the memory, do laptops generally only have one slot for ram? Ie. I need to replace the ram, not add some more?
  21. the harman kardon 2.1 setup is pretty damn excellent and pretty compact, and looks funky
  22. Tom said he would blow me off but it never materialized..................oh wait, it did
  23. hmmm it really does seem that nvidia cards are shit for tv out
  24. They put ypur car in cold start mode, they are a pile of shit ,dont bother
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