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Everything posted by walker

  1. walker

    Streety 26"

    I think £300 RRP is a good starting point as it allows that extra bit of design and quality, which is worth paying for.
  2. the cheek sweet bike mate, that rear brake looks a little funny on such a compact frame
  3. On the form it says that it is for full members only.
  4. walker

    Streety 26"

    Yeah, would need to be re-thought out. Haha, is that not the stupidest place to put a sticker?
  5. walker

    Streety 26"

    Dont just get what you mean by a CS yoke, doesnt it already have one? But I think you've hit the nail on the head. Who'd be interested in buying such a thing?
  6. I agree with you about strength Joe, They are a solid frame. I weighed my frame only and i came in at 1.85kg, not overly lightweight. I also agree that they ride well, but I saw a big improvement in my riding when I got off mine! I'm pretty sure MRS (Malcolm Rathmell Sport) have a frame only as I was offered it.
  7. UPDATE: Saturday ride and camping cancelled After tonights Tyketrial Committee meeting a unanimous vote of the elected members has led to a regrettable change to this event. Only 24 pre entries have been received to date leaving the club no option other than to scrap the camping and free ride on the Saturday and instead focus the efforts of the volunteers on the Sunday trial itself. All those who have Pre entered for both the Saturday and Sunday will be reimbursed for the camping and food and will be permitted to ride on the Sunday. The rest of you wishing to ride on Sunday MUST have your entries with the secretary of the event no later than Thursday 18th June. NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY WILL BE ACCEPTED If you turn up without having pre entered you will be turned away. This will also be the policy for future events as there is absolutely no reason why all riders cannot send their entry off before they ride. Please do not try to camp on the venue on Saturday night as the farmer will be in his rights to prosecute you for trespassing. Tyketrials has removed the insurance for the Saturday and have canceled the request to camp so non of it's members or any member of the public has a right to camp at the venue. It is a sad occasion when riders lose any time to practice or ride together but due to the complete lack of commitment shown to this event no other option was open to the club. It must also be said that had it not been for the 24 riders who could be bothered to do as the club requested the Sunday trial would have been canceled as well. Thankyou to those people. Now it's the turn of those who haven't sent off their entry forms yet. Brimham Rocks is a superb venue and with the quality of sections we have had at the previous trials this should be a great event. REMEMBER - NO PRE ENTRY, NO RIDE, NO EXCUSES. YOU WILL BE TURNED AWAY. Regards, Neil Raven Tyketrial Chairman
  8. walker

    Streety 26"

    Just dont be too harsh on it
  9. walker

    Tribalzine News

    Please dont take that the wrong way. Everyone admires the amount of time and effort that you put into making your site probably the best trials website on the internet. Dont take it to heart, I think that if poeple dont want to read your topics then theres nothing forcing them. I dont think that Prawn wants you banished forever, just maybe not quite as many topics.
  10. walker

    Streety 26"

    Haha, not chrome! There is nothing wrong with a rear disk as long as the mount is not desing by a chimp. They sound so much smoother and actually work in the wet. Anyway, Im off to bed. Adam: get one of them YaaBaas built up with 26" wheels, I want a go on one!
  11. walker

    Streety 26"

    I think you've hit it bang on apart from those bits ^^ If you dont want a disk mount, then just grind it off. 1050 might suit some, so a longer version of say 1065 would be good for taller riders. Surely you can be more imaginatve with colours! A nice gloss bright colour perhaps. An why bother having mounts under the stays? Oh, and theres nothing wrong with a std seat collar. Also 1.8kg is definitely too light for a street frame. 2kg is a bare minimum Other than that though, i like your thinking
  12. walker

    Streety 26"

    There are too many Deng brands, he doesn't just concentrate on one brand, instead everything seems under developed and very plain looking. There isn't much innovation. I hear what you're saying about the BB ride on a 26", but i think its still necessary for some rolling moves such as gaps. Maybe +30 is a bit too extreme, +15-20 might be a better compromise. If i was to buy one, it would have to be around this value. I agree that the point of a street frame is to make trials more fluid and less hoppy, but I dont see why we need to go back 7 or 8 years in terms of geometry. I dont want this topic to turn into some sort of geometry argument, as you can never satisfy everone. I just want to make the point that there is a gap in the market, and I myself would like to see (and ride) a street orientated 26" trials specific frame. And it MUST have a seat EDIT: I would also like to know the reason for a higher bb having more "affect" on 26".
  13. walker

    Streety 26"

    Yes, but not for absolutely ages, what's your point? The 24" frames all have around that, I dont really see why its such a big issue? You need to retain some rear wheel stability, so it can be used for static moves as well.
  14. walker

    Streety 26"

    They just look too low. ...oh, and they're made by Deng
  15. walker

    Streety 26"

    it would need a +25-30mm bb rise, as this would give you the flexibility to have it how you like. All you would need to do is play around with the bar/stem set up. So yeah, basically just a Fourplay with bigger wheels!
  16. edit, doesnt exacly abide by the rules, so nevermind
  17. walker

    Streety 26"

    just realised, that bike has no rear brake, the hose guides are not in use, and the fourbolt mounts appear to not line up by a mile, and thats definitely a 26" wheel! Build quality!!
  18. walker

    Streety 26"

    It doesn't look that bad actually, it just looks a bit low really, that seat might as well not be there. It would have been better if it had kept a bit more of a "diamond" style frame design. The reasons why it didnt sell were possibly due to: bland colour scheme low frame horrible looking dropout/disk mount design lack of marketing in the UK there wasnt a decent rider on one to show what was possible on it However, the geometry does look ok, anyone know what the wheelbase was? Wonder if Adam@Tarty ever considered ordering any... Would anyone be interested in a similar frame if a manufacturer designed a decent, competetitvely priced one? -Andy
  19. walker

    Streety 26"

    I've gone off steel frames. They're never lively enough
  20. well there are plenty of forks to choose from. I have owned a 231 kamel by the way, i was sponsored by cleanbikes. They're just not very good. They ride quite well, but the backend looks horrible and they are about £900 frame only or something rediculous.
  21. walker

    Streety 26"

    What was the geometry of that? how much longer was the long model? Yeah, the geometry of the Yaabaa is disk only, but I dont think that its a bad thing. If your wanting a Vee mount, it wouldnt be too difficult to have two bosses for 24" and 26" wheels with a screw in mount.
  22. walker

    Streety 26"

    Not a fan of the Because bikes, they look poor quality and they couldnt even think of a decent name. But the Yaabaa 799 is a decent idea, having a frame that can take 26" wheels as well sounds good, I really want to have a go on one. Would like to see one built up with 26" wheels.
  23. walker

    Streety 26"

    yeah, thats what I meant, Czar, echo, zoo... they're all the same anyway And im not saying it was good, cos it wasnt! I'm just giving it as an example.
  24. walker

    Streety 26"

    Nah, that wasn't the echo frame I was thinking of, dont think i ever saw an 04 Pure with a "proper" seat on it. There was another street specific on that they made not that long ago, but I never saw one in real life. Its not really the point anyway. Do you think the Streety 26" is dead?
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