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Ali C

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Posts posted by Ali C

  1. Solid green here too


    Finished painting the walls in the office, just need to go over the gloss and it’ll be finished.

    started work on the hall in the mean time, wallpaper stripped and holes filled, just need to sand it smooth ready for primer. We’re going to get the carpets done at the same time which is why we’re tackling them both now



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  2. Since May I’ve been using my phone data as my sole source of internet, this includes uploading my vlogs (some were 30 min+ 4K!), my last video took almost 24 hours to upload due to poor connection speeds :( 

    Today I had broadband fitted, finally some decent Wi-Fi and an Ethernet cable for my office, this will make life so much easier!! :D 

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  3. I asked Jane about this the other day…it’s old decorating so I was worried it was old wiring too, Jane’s brother is an electrician and could do the house if needed but he hasn’t mentioned anything about the wiring which I hope is a thing (or possibly avoiding the subject so he doesn’t have to do it :P ) 

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  4. 6 days in, wallpaper is all off, imperfections filled, walls have been sanded (including sanding down two big lumps from the fitment of the air vents), walls prepped with a plaster sealing primer, woodwork scrubbed, carpet removed and some paint tested…it’s coming along!




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  5. Started some DIY on the house...we decided that a loft conversion probably isn't the best idea just now so we're putting it on ice until we know we can comfortably pay our mortgage and bills before getting out any other loans. 

    Instead we're concentrating on just making the house ours (which is weird as technically it isn't ours yet) and I'm starting by making the spare room into an office. Since doing my vlogs I've never had a proper office space, just a desk shoved into my tiny room in my old flat so to have a space I can actually have a proper desk and storage plus a sofa (bed) and TV will make organizing all my equipment and editing a whole lot more streamlined plus I get a place to chill and play games etc. Jane is going to have the dining room as her space to do Yoga and teach online movement classes.

    So far I've stripped most of the 50 year old wallpaper, pretty tedious as it's been painted over so the steamer doesn't work as well but it's almost done and fortunately the plaster underneath is in great condition. Next I'll sand it and paint it with some plaster sealing paint and replace the carpet...never really done any DIY before so I'm feeling very manly right now

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  6. 48 minutes ago, manuel said:

    Get many quotes… 80k sounds waaaay over the top. I guess if you have to change the entire roof structure, but even then… 

    This seems like it’s a pretty high-end company, you get a single project manager throughout the process from start to finish.

    I’ll get some more quotes but I guess this is just a bad time in general to be looking at this sort of work

  7. Not angry but a little disappointed.


    As some will know I’m about to permanently move into my new house which is a two bed Bungalow. We’re needing to redecorate as the previous owner was a 93 year old lady so you can imagine she had different tastes (shame as the house is immaculate!).

    Before we decorate we wanted to convert the loft to futureproof the house for when we eventually have children…we like the idea of a bedroom and office upstairs which leaves two spare rooms downstairs, it’s also adding value to the house which isn’t a bad thing.


     Because it’s a bungalow the footprint is quite large and has a large loft space…we had someone come round to give a quote and he said we had a usable space of over 70sqf.

    I had in my head roughly 25k for a simple conversion…we got quoted 80k! they said we didn’t have to use all the space and would still have a couple of nice big rooms if they brought the walls in a bit (which makes sense) but even then it was 40k :( 


    we need to get some other quotes but loft conversions are more than I thought, I guess rising timber prices haven’t helped

  8. I’m still unvaccinated and have no plans to get them.

    Im noticing more comments on social media from people being vocal against the vaccines and how the media has presented info, I was just curious if that’s just my media showing me stuff that’s in my “bubble” or if these feelings are more widespread?

  9. Glad to hear you're getting over it :) 

    Just curious to hear peoples thoughts on Covid and the vaccines now that a bit more time has passed. Are you more in favour of the vaccines now than before? Maybe your opinion has stayed the same? Or perhaps you're now swinging the other way and are more against vaccines that you were a few months ago?

  10. after 10 months of not having Wifi I've bitten the bullet and ordered a Virgin package.

    Just in case anyone here was thinking of doing the same I have a referral code where we'd both get £80.... http://aklam.io/s0XVRu

    Can't wait to be able to actually upload videos in a realistic time rather than the intermittent 4G I get here 

  11. I heard about this a couple of days ago, I've been waiting for news channels to report it but apparently it's not news worthy...you know, this thing that's crippled the world for two years, you'd think any news about how it happened would be front page material!

    I'm convinced there's an ulterior motive. 

  12. Nope, absolutely loving mine! I'm now in talks with them about sponsorship as I haven't been this impressed with a bike product in years. 

    Only "issue" I had was that one of the lever bolts rattled loose after a few rides (not falling out loose but certainly not as tight as before) so absolutely no issues with over-tight bolts. I ended up dropping a tiny bit of threadlock on the bolts to stop it happening again (I need to do this with my Sram Codes lever blades too as they're practically falling out every ride) and I've not had to touch the brakes since.

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  13. I'm not quite sure what you're meaning. We're due to be getting married at some point (been waiting until we get a house) so no plans on breaking up (but I guess there never is). She wants a house, I want a house, we both want to live together so it makes sense to inherit this house and give us both exactly what we wanted. I'm sure if she had just inherited money it would've gone on a house for us plus I'm pitching in half of the 150k from inheritance from my parents and some savings. 

  14. 1 hour ago, JT! said:

    etc, I don't think we fully know yet.

    And that’s my stance on the whole thing, conspiracies and politics aside I admit covid is a potential threat but I don’t consider it a big enough threat to be injected with an emergency treatment (the FDA have only approved it as an emergency treatment) that I have no chance of receiving compensation if any ill effects occur. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to want to wait.

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  15. 2 hours ago, manuel said:

    Pfizer has been administered nearly 6 Billion times. That is a huge data set to determine side effect percentages pretty darn accurately.

    all the talk of long term data is a non starter - there aren’t long term effects for vaccines. They don’t stay in your body long enough. You can have side effects that appear in the short term, that may have long term effects on life, but they aren’t going to give you cancer 10 years from now. They pass completely out of your system in weeks, and you are left with entirely natural immune response. Because of this and the number of hits we have given out, the risks of taking this vaccine is known to a pretty high degree of accuracy.

    The risk of taking the vaccine is significantly lower than that of getting covid19 the old fashioned way. (Again - huge number of data points for this too)

    2 hours ago, manuel said:



    I still think taking a prescription drug without proper medical advice (a prescription), to combat something that has a proven pretty effective vaccine, when there are no published studies that have shown that it’s actually effective, is basically bordering on conspiracy theory action. 



    It’s still a vaccine that’s never been used before, it’s the first of its kind and effects the nucleus of the cell. I’m not saying it is dangerous and even with as many uses as it’s had I still don’t want something injected into me if it isn’t 1000% necessary especially when they’re not all FDA approved. It’s something that should be provided to those at high risk (like originally planned) not blackmailed upon every person in the country/world.

    Ivermectin is totally safe (and has had real life results outside of tests). Some can call it a conspiracy but there’s definitely a movement to quash it’s reputation, I don’t believe it’s due to it not working.


    If you did want to go down the conspiracy route then we can talk about Blackrock and Vanguard who own just about every major company in the world including media and pharma…owned by the richest families in the world. It would sure be in their interest to quieten down ivermectin and increase the fear in the general public if they own the companies selling the vaccine. This is total conspiracy though, not my usual forte 

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  16. I feel there’s a mass psychosis happening. The government says we should be scared, the media says we should be scared and the general public are whipped up into a frenzy of fear and segregation.

    For me it’s not *just* that we don’t know long term data, it’s the way it’s been handled by people who seemingly have no clue what they’re doing, or only doing things to benefit them (I’m sure Boris will have all his failings forgotten when he’s triumphantly claiming that under his party he “got the country vaccinated and out of the pandemic”) or their pals.

    I worry this is a the start of a yellow star type situation, we’re the frogs sat in a slowly boiling pot of water. “It’s just a lockdown” “it’s just a Covid passport” “it’s just a curfew” “it’s just barbed wire” etc. it’s maybe a bit of a jump to get to that conclusion but ever since Brexit was suggested I’ve lost all of my trust to these people in power and I personally find the whole vaccine thing fishy, my lack of long term data point still stands and I still think there’s other routes that could be looked into if it wasn’t so taboo but on top of that I simply don’t want any part of what the government is doing or saying.


    Covid is no longer a public health topic but is now totally politicized 

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  17. We've finally had our potential house valued, at first they estimated the value from looking online at other houses and how they've sold in the past. They came back with £385k which was far too high (we have to pay half to buy out Jane's brothers share). I think they assumed we wanted a higher number as usually when a house is left in a will the family will sell it but we want it lower so we can actually live in it. This house is the smallest in the area (2 bed bungalow compared with 4-5 bed houses) although it does have more land. They sent someone round to look in person and have now said the value is £320k...We thought it was a £300k house but everythings taking so long we will just accept it.

    Apparently it doesn't even matter it turns out, we can just agree a price between family rather than having to go by the valuation so according to Jane her brother will accept the 300k number if it means we can get a house to ourselves, he's a workaholic electrician and not short on cash and just wants to pay off his mortgage so we're going to set up our own mortgage and he gets the £150k share. We're happy as this means we get a £300k+ house for £150k.

    At the moment we're still waiting on lawyers to finalise things but we're hoping we can get all the paperwork done by next year and start actually making this house ours.

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  18. This is something I’ve brought up with friends, the government has seemingly done everything it can to make us unhealthy during the pandemic when they should’ve put all-round health as a number one priority.

    Lockdowns might have helped but there shouldn’t have been any restriction on how long you can go out and exercise or where you can exercise (I got kicked off a pumptrack by the police despite not being near anyone else).

    Gyms should’ve opened sooner than they did, especially in winter when some people can’t go out and exercise due to the weather or darkness, keeping them shut as long as they did caused physical and mental health deterioration.

    The whole “eat out to help out” was just encouraging people to eat fast food, not ideal when exercising is limited.


    Im shocked when I go into towns and see how large everyone is, it’s far more common to see overweight people than it is a lean person. If health is a help in fighting off Covid then there’s been a lot of wrong steps during this pandemic 

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