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Posts posted by CurtisRider

  1. What finish are you going for? Polished or painted?

    I picked up this Steven Hamilton frame, Odyssey race forks, Odyssey wheel and other bits for £15 earlier, my little nephew wants to get into BMX but has a cheapo Argos style thing one so I figured I'd build him a sturdy starting point on a budget! I just need to find cranks, brakes, rear wheel and I think I have the rest :)


    I whacked on a 60mm stem to replace the 90 on the On One and it feels so good now, such a whippy little bike! I'm really enjoying singlespeed currently although I haven't taken it to any proper trails yet.... I need to remove the lower roller on the Giant seeing as it has a narrow wide on there now, then sort out some decent tyres and tubeless stuff so it's ready to go again.


    I got fed up with tripping over the bikes in the garage so I got some hooks, far tidier!


  2. Yeah wall lighting makes total sense, I'm going to hammer through some quids fitting so many though! I guess I'm better off with more frequent short units than less frequent long units?

    Last time we looked into having 3 phase it was something like 20k and that was over 20 years ago, we do have a 2 phase set up in the barn but who even uses that any more? Any three phase stuff that i've bought has been converted to single anyway. Fortunately 3 phase stuff is cheaper and usually a motor and switch swap is all they need so I've hoarded many motors of varying HP for that very reason!



  3. Yes poor access has always ruined what is otherwise a good space! It'll have a far wider and taller entrance this time round, the current one wasn't my doing.

    So do you think i'm better off sticking with fluorescent? I am going to add lighting on the walls where the cars go to help prevent shadows and possibly put in LED strips in the floor too as it makes my life easier not having cables and lights everywhere!

    Supply wise, I'll be replacing the current board as it is just what was left there and I don't think you can buy replacement RCDs for it. I am only going to have single phase but will have several 16A sockets along with regular 13A. Currently my welders and compressor are the only tools that need 16A sockets, the rest are happy to run off 13A as they don't have particularly large motors. Apart from dust extraction there won't be more than one tool on at a time, so I would have thought a similar setup to what I have now should be sufficient? I was going to have the dust extraction on a seperate breaker as it will probably be a little hungry.

    I'm back next week to help Rick with the barn (tues/wed or wed/thur) if you are able to swing by?

  4. Well I finish teaching the end of July so I'll start properly then however I am going to head back whichever weekends I can before then to clear up the crap and start assembling the stud work, fortunately we have recycled lots of 2x5 timber which is perfect for my needs! I think I can have a basic carcass there within a few weekends, then I can get painting and stuff until I can get the floor sorted. I have the summer to get it done (that is how long i'm paid by school for), so that is about 6 weeks although a week of that will be spent doing harvest. After that i'm off travelling for a short while... but at least when I return I can get cracking on making shizzle.

    Lighting wise I can't decide whether to stick with fluorescent or to go LED as there are many pros and cons with both. I'll be having a meter fitted so I can pay dad back fairly for the electricity I use so I want to try and keep costs down where possible as obviously it'll be a huge place to keep lit. I'll have several lighting circuits so that I choose which areas to illuminate to keep costs down.

  5. The roof is corrugated plastic, so I could install clear sections. I have done a quick layout of the place, this is most of the significant equipment I already have (there is more though but I can't find pre made designs of them+I have double of some things like lathes and saws) apart from the ramps and rotisserie. I've tried to keep work areas near to light sources and the taller areas for racking/ramps. The racking is all necessary, I have LOTS of wood and metal stock that i want to keep safe. You can start to see why having the extra space is necessary, especially when you consider the camper will be a long term project that lives in there and I need to be able to get tractors in the first few bays for maintenance.

    Excuse all the extra lines, some of the things I imported have random bits on them!





    The room inside will stay as a clean room/office/home for the 3D printer with storage space above. The outside room near the entrance will be the kitchen/toilet/shower.

    I also have dust extraction to think about, I have 8 fans and filter units, so I just need to figure out ducting routes and then somewhere for the big ass hoover thingies I have to live. 



  6. Yes its one of our farm buildings, hence why I want to maintain it too as it would be a shame to let it fall apart. The plan is to work on the section that hasn't been made into workshop space first as that needs attention and is the access to the current workspace. I need to move the supports as they make access really difficult currently, getting a car in there is a proper pain, George knows what it is like! Obviously sorting that includes clearing it, levelling the floor (currently the centre is lower as that was where the tractor would scrape the muck from the pigs) and putting in walls. 

    I really do need the space, I'm just doing a Sketchup drawing of the building and the current tooling I have, it fills up very quickly

  7. I am looking to move back to Suffolk and therefore my main priority is getting my workshop functional again as it hasn't been used properly in about 6 years and I love building stuff.

    I'm going to refurbish my current workshop but also extend into the rest of the building as it offers me more space for minimal outlay and also there is a septic tank nearby so I can fit a toilet/shower/kitchen area if I want.

    Currently the workshop looks like this:



    and the space i'm extending into is like this:



    As you can see, a total tip, no proper storage solutions, poor lighting and no wall/floor coatings to reflect the light. There is potential there though and it's rent free so that's a winner! The plan is to fit out the extension, then move everything out of the old workshop and refit that before deciding on the overall layout. I hope 5k will cover getting a basic shell ready, inc paint and electric. I need to find somewhere to chuck the camper, tractor and truck whilst I do all this! I am going to move the support beams towards the middle to allow for the ramps to be fitted and make use of the full height of the place, this will require some engineering to ensure it's strong enough. I am going to have racking along the tall wall, going up quite a height so I can store plenty of stuff, there is also the option of using another building for storage but it isn't secure.

    Excited is an understatement  :grin:

    I want to have more natural light so fitting windows will be essential but i'm worried about security, currently I have steel bars across the plastic sheeting so I guess I will need to do the same again? 

    Security is obviously going to be one of my main concerns, apart from decent locks and the steel bars mentioned, what else would you guys recommend? Would a household alarm system be ok?

    I want better lighting, currently its quite dim but I think that's partly down to the lack of reflection from dark walls and floor, is there a way of calculating how many light fittings I would need for acceptable light output?

    Fire safety is another concern, as i'm keeping the dividing wall in place (to kind of separate the metal and wood working areas) should I just add an extra external doorway in and that will be enough?

    Lastly heating, I'm thinking a wood burner would be best as we have a good flow of wood offcuts. Has anybody on here tried building there own? I don't mind buying but I far prefer making!

    Cheers in advance!

    Oh and I'll insulate the ceiling with Cellotex, but that's far too much money for me at this point :( The walls I can insulate easily as I have loads of bits to use recycled from other buildings but they aren't suitable for the ceiling.

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  8. My girlfriend drove my Porsche for a few hours on our way back from a day out. She is usually a very sedate driver but she was a total animal in it using all the revs before shifting and gunning it on the fun bits, she didn't stop grinning all the way home. She now wants a similar car, but I think she will miss things like AC and PAS. We have narrowed it down to an MX5 (MK2.5) for cheap giggles or an early Boxster if we can squeeze a bit more funds in as she likes the way they look. Are there any other similar cars we should be looking into? I had also thought about a MK1 TT as they are quite nice to look at but perhaps a little too much like a Golf/Leon to drive (total assumption due to the platform they are based on). Personally I think she should get a 944 but she's not keen on the shape :(

  9. I need a cheap 19mm euro bb for a 19mm axle for a students A level project. Annoyingly I have one but I can't find replacement bearings (31x19x15) anywhere! So far I have found them at about £25 but we only need it for demonstrating an E bike project so it will only get used a few times and then put in the shed and forgotten about.... If anybody has a left hand cup and bearing then that is all I need as I found a decent right hand cup and bearing in my parts box!

  10. Excellent, so they are a reasonably easy fit I take it? I'll be checking the car on Wednesday, sounds like i'm best off just whipping the air intake hose to the turbo and checking for wobble straight away?

  11. Excellent, thanks chaps! I will do the mentioned tests first, see if it's just a silly loose pipe issue and if not then i'll get looking for another turbo for him. There was an excessive amount of oil near one of the recently replaced boost pipes, so that's not a great sign. I will whip off the intake pipe work and see how much play the turbo shaft has too.

    Fingers crossed it's not the turbo as the poor fella doesn't have much money (he is a TA at my school so crap pay) and considering life has been a shit to him he somehow is still one of the nicest people you have ever met so I want to help him where I can.



  12. 17 hours ago, george_seamons said:

    Done it several times. Quite often get rabbits in the garden in summer moth mixi. A swift crack to the head does the trick.

    I hit a deer in my work van a few years back. Hit it so hard it bent all the radiator etc, and left the poor thing in a bad way. Knew I had to kill it to put it out of its misery. Looked in my van for the most suitable tool, I had either a hammer, a knife, or a hacksaw. I chose the hammer, and clouted it several times as hard as I could between the eyes. Killed it the first time for sure, but the twitching afterwards made it appear alive still, so gave it a few more for good measure. I would have looked like an absolute mad man had anybody driven past, but fortunately it was on a quiet country lane.

    I'd have no reservations about putting an animal that was in obvious untreatable pain out of its misery.

    What about the cat which clashed into the Toledo? 

    I couldn't kill an animal intentionally, I'm a total pussy and a poor excuse for a farm boy.


  13. That was supposed to say no noticeable leaks! The vac lines look crusty but complete, so should we just start with checking every boost pipe and then replacing all the vac lines if nothing improves? 

  14. My friend has a 1.9 TDI 130 PD, 240k but regularly maintained.

    There is light grey smoke when idle/revved, turbo is whistling lots when revved and noticeable leaks on vac/boost pipes. The car has no power, as if the turbo is not working. 

    What should I be checking/replacing? I had it on my bluetooth diagnostics thingy and there were no fault codes. 

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