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Posts posted by CurtisRider

  1. id recomend a rather long chain 1-maybe 2 of them to secure your expensive wheels...., some padlocks so you can secure the chian more than once along its length too

    a d lock or something similair would be handy incase you wanna quickly get a drink or smiliar cos then the bike is secure enough for a few mins-hopefully...

    i think about 15bikes went missing last year-inc trials bikes, bmxs and a few mini motos (hot property!!!)

    1 thing i definately recomend-make your bike looks as untidy as possible-not as in dent+scratch it to fook lol but leave it a bit dirty, dont clean any rusty bolts, etc-cos a nice new lookin bike is what the bastards are after :- probably the reason why my onza got stolen-cos it was like new and id blacked out the bright yellow bits B) (cant think of any other reason as any knowing trials thief would realise it was a shit frame :D )

    have you got any insurance? if so make sure it covers a custom bike......my second major annoyance after losing my bike-the feckin company wouldnt pay out....

    you should be fine, sorry to drag down the excitement of going just i dont want anyone to go through that cos it made a majot dent in my pocket as well as makeing me rather upset at the time (Y) it was my pride and joy

    o yeah, the toilets-use them when you get there and never afterwards.......they get very very very manky :lol: so bring plenty of deodrant!!!

    i may even be going now :D

  2. i agree with trev^

    people do rely on thier brakes too much, and riding with poor brakes just makes you more accurate, same goes for things like engagement points on hubs, people say they need a chris king to gap further but i really dont think thats the case-it makes it easier sure (well not in my case-i didnt really like my king and ride far betetr with my xc/bulb) but you dont need it-just like having a stupidly powerful brake-im not saying you shouldnt have one cos i like mine being powerful and not slipping but i have found when i ran a substandard brake in the past i quickly learnt to cope with it-does anyone remember that article in mbuk with wayne from norwich? he was rail gapping with no rear brake i think? just used his body weight, bike positioning and force on his pedals to keep him there.....mental and talented :lol:

  3. The Peterborough Nass was awesome.

    One of the best weekends ever!!

    damn straight! why on earth did they only do it for 1 year? i really wish i had taken my bike that year-there was even rocks to ride on! (altho i rode dirt then lol but i wudda given them a go!) and you didnt need to walk 5miles to each section of sport! in somerset everyhting is far too spread out-espeacially the dirt boarding which i though was 1 of the most impresive parts! ah well

    o yeah any new people to nass-there are cash machines on lorries-so try not to carry too much cash on you! some dodgy folk around :lol: and do what trials pimp said-its really worth it if you have expensive stuff in your tent-cameras, decent clothes, spares

    dont bother with the securuity cos they are a bunch of f**kin twats-was it my imagination or were they all scottish?(not sayin all scottish people are twats.....) and the so called police there were fookin hopeless too-thers also a lockup for you bikes too so you dont have to sleep with you bike in the tent :-

  4. yer the best thing zoo ever did was to sign CLS advertising wise. t-s are hosting there his vids aswell as his own site so then surely that is some mega free advertising. takes the piss a bit really.

    yup, good tactics, like they were saying before-why spend money you dont need to? if you can get free advertising, then use it

    gotta remember that not every trials rider uses trials shack yet its bandwidth gets sucked up in no time, it would have to be advertised lots, then huge amounts of riders would end up using it, then it would cost more to run....i think-im not entirely sure how much this all costs per month but is it really worth it? also considering if say koxx sponsor ts-they wont want riders with zoo! echo or onzas to name a few on it? cos it wont really promote their brand as effectively

    its a pity that trials shack has come to this, its hosted a huge amount of inspirational videos to me and i think thats the same for alot of us

    so anyways thanks simon, and good luck (Y)

  5. last year appeared to cater for all abilities,unfortunately i didnt get to ride the mad course as my bike was stolen on the first night....... (Y)

    please please please get some sort of DECENT bike insurance and have a good bikelock/people around your bike at all times-it just isnt worth the risk-even for a quick piss in the toilets....

    there isnt just the trials course, there is an open skatepark too which i found quite fun as well as a few bits and bobs to play on-although i dont think we were supposed to ride on them.... :P

    bring it, without it you will get bored, the best nass was at peterborough cos it was smaller and had fitter birds >_< but you will enjoy this one, id really love to go still but it clashes with loadsa parties :">

    have fun dude (Y)

  6. I figured i had a right to do it because 8 chavs came up to me when i was like ten and robbed me blind and twa**d me on the head with a bottle. The ONE annoying chav, i don't think ive met a chav that isn't annoying

    what did the gay do? you say chavs arent all bad and yet they've done something like that to you....so hes gay.....cripes the gay scene is gettin hardcore now....... :-

    i think you missed the point on mrmonkeys post....

  7. Pimp factor. His mates wont have a disk or a rear magura with red bloxx and a grind :P

    Anyway, I know someone that can make me a rotor any size with his name cut out for me now :lol:


    his mates probably wont know what a disc brake is :P but meh cool-we we want pics (Y)

    you do realised a front disc will probably kill him? :-

  8. Will he? Sounds a bit pushy... Do you ride because someone else makes you?

    methinks sam was joking........or at least i hope he was :-

    he he sounds a cool idea anyway-but why use a disc? surely a rim brake will provide enough power? well it does for the majority of us.....he he

  9. They are blue!?

    its probably the light dude....its not quite blue enough to be blue-maybe your pc screen is shagged?

    anyway chai-most excelent riding dude-you never cease to amaze me...

  10. to be honest that pretty much what i did-point and shoot-and i got an A.........generally you get loadsa points if you arse around with the photos afterwards though

    i dunno arts a weird subject

    nice riding anyway :'(

  11. aha these answers are more like it!

    mathuds:ha ha dirt jumpers suck :'( nah they seem to appeal to most but for trials.....hmmm i actually want to be able to get on the backwheel!

    onzaboymark-yeah ill try and stiffen them up-im pretty sure you can shorten the travel on them too...i may have some old springs outta my snapped z3s still...

    and yeah they do suit me really-i like bunnyhopping things and manuals are something im really close to getting right.....so far the only thing im gettin impaired on is sidehops (ha ha i can barely do them anyway) and when i have the front wheel higher than the back on an object/objects cos the forks tip me back so much

    johny jones setup is probably pretty much what would suit me best i reckon-we both have the same sorta style just im not as good-spose im a bit of a ryan leech wannabe...

    EDIT: whats OTN?

    partz-yeah thats the effect i quite liked-its not that i cant handle rigids just suspension adds a nice little twist to trials riding-and coming from a dirt jumping backround i would like something i could huck off stairs and stuff which is pretty much what ive got now...888r would be slight overkill.....he he

    dave85: yeah i dont quite think pace forks are suited to trials either :lol: but that system would be better-how exaclty does it work?

  12. Sus forks would be a cool idea.

    If you get some get the ones with the lockout on, so if you ever want to go to rigid just have lockout on and it will be rigid. And vise-versa.

    The only downside i think having sus forks on is that it is very hard to balance if you havent got quick rebound damping.  :-

    the lockout is designed just for light hits-i believe hard hits will blow the seals, well thats what happened on my old psylo sls......not sure if marzocchis system is the same?

  13. sounds like you've answered your own questions mate :-

    not really cos i want more feedback from other riders with it-wanna know if im right about the disc mount or not?

    and i also wanted to know what forks would be best so ermmm yeah i can see what you mean-im halfway there lol....

  14. i think you'd be better off just sticking with the forks you got and not buying some new ones as you will probly soon want rigid again thus saving you the price of new sus froks when you can spend it on some rigid forks

    and yes i used to run sus for a while when i first started trials and it was ok just rather rigid forks  :-

    but dude im doubting they will last much longer, thye ahd a fair few nasty hits on the jump bike!

    if i buy new ones and find i want to go back to rigid it is no problem-the sus can go onto my spare jump frame (excuse to build it (Y) )

    another reason to go wih sus is cos there is no weld at the disc mount, ive cracked 2 sets of forks there so im hoping that the 1 piece design of a sus fork will stop that.....

  15. right since snapping my curtis forks, i found curtis wouldnt replace them and i couldnt afford to buy some new ones so i temporarily fitted some rockshox judy xcs that are about 3 years old and have seen better days in terms of abuse (externally they are mint though which is weird!)

    anyway ive had them on my base for a good month or so now and my riding style has changed loads, ive always been a streety style rider, but these have got me far more into those street style moves

    i currently have been doing loads of front wheel moves since fitting them and the forks arent showing any signs of breaking yet (ive fitted a headlock just incase!)

    i have them setup soft (im 13stone and they go through half their trvael when i lean forwards) with what id call a medium setting on the rebound-not fast,not slow-sorry its hard to be specific without showing someone...

    anyway i was wondering how many of you have used/ still use suspension on your bike? running really shit suntour forks doesnt count either (Y) i mean proper forks with damping...

    ive found so far that my front end is very high-im runng a titec rip stem on 2inch rise easton ea70s but it hasnt really affected my backwheeling (i was never good anyway ;) ) balancing is a bitch as the suspension is so soft it makes you wobble about (ive got them on the hardest setting and cant really be bothered to change the springs as i intend on changing these forks asap) bunnyhops are far easier, i can bunnyhop gap way further and as mentioned before going to front wheel is far easier

    i was looking into perhaps gettin some marzocchi mx comps in 85mm travel as they appaear to be the newer version on my old z4 air sports(and they were excellent), does anyone else have some suggestions?

    im not ruling out rigid as it had its good points just i want to try suspension for a bit :-

    i think ive given enough detail, any help would be great

    cheers, paul

  16. Definately go for the profile, £106 is cheap and it will save you money in the long run as freewheels dont usually last as long, unless your uber smooth.


    we were wondering what was actually wrong with odyssey cassette hubs? is it because they only come in 14mm and people dont wanna faff with their dropouts?

    or are the freehub mechanisms wank?

    im hoping they are good, cos a 14mm axle wouldnt go a miss on his bike :- sorry love you fadom

    also what are the odyssey 13t freewheels like on a mod? just was wondering if they would withstand much abuse-im doubting it as they have to squeeze so much into a little space but its worth asking

  17. All I can say is that many people (who havnt tried the parts) say bad things about Viz because its a fairly new company and claim its all catalogue even though alot of the parts are different to anything else.

    yes you are right people say stuff before they try it, but are wrong about the parts being different......c'mon just look at them-obvious ones the rims, hubs, pads, i have bad de ja vou (sp?) when i see those forks too! even if they arent directly copied they are bloody similar! they havent got any really original parts....i personally think people are more pissed off about the way viz advertise-they give themselves a bad name :mellow:

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