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Posts posted by Danny@phatworks

  1. The irony of it being, they were phatmikes trimmers hahahahah.

    Yer, used for shaving peoples heads and giving them mohawks.... Me, Nick Manning and Grant understand this ;)

    Mike never mentioned this when I saw him before he went to Europe..... Wonder why! You guys are LEGENDS, good to see NASS antics continue on even though the event itself has really changed since the good old days.

  2. Yeah just about still riding, getting back into it over summer. I remember worcester rides being mint too, I seem to remember you trying to teach me to tap...I still can't :P

    Yeah man, good times. Still see Wayne much at all been on a few rides with him in the last 6 months or so. Glad to see he is doing well. Fancy a ride on the Saturday (tomorrow in Brum?)

    So yer, me and Grant will probably come down for some riding, I will see if Rich Rowden is around too.


  3. Really does make a huge difference having a good clean, scrubbed rim to get any dirt, tar if applied in the past etc off. Fresh grind on the rim and these pads really do come alive, I have used these on about 4 different rims smooth and grinded. They will work nicely on a smooth rim and they will work amazing on a good grind and be extremely loud too.

    The new vee backings and running Phat Pad material looks very promising from what I have seen of the set given to Matt, look forward to getting myself a set to see how they hold up.

  4. If its who I am thinking of, I very much doubt he would be scamming you....

    I know Stuart, He is not the type of person who will be scamming I can assure you. I am sure there is a genuine reason that you have not received the phone yet. It has only been 3 days so it's possible there has been a delay in the postal service. If you are still struggling to get hold of him or do not have his number - I have it so just PM me and I will send it your way.

  5. This is where it was at. That was my first Bikeshow I went too with the speed trials and US riders over, best Bikeshow ever. Shame the Bikeshow is now extinct it was the excitement of the year as well as NASS which is not the same anymore either :( Still some lines what are impressive now 8 years down the line in Contact too... Just shows they were really on there game back then.

  6. You do also have to appreciate these guys do have lives, also getting older so commitments like work, uni etc are only going to get higher which means finding time to ride just to have fun is going to be a challenge, let alone producing videos with super high expectations these days.

  7. MAD team - have probably brought the highest exposure to trials over the many years, always have a good selection of riders and used to do things like 'Hop Idol', 'Search for a trials star' etc where anyone had a shot at the 'pro' rider life and getting some MBUK coverage.

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