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James Quigley

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Posts posted by James Quigley

  1. Paul Blart: Mall Cop was utter tripe. I would almost put it in league with Superhero Movie and Disaster Movie etc. I say almost as nothing can be bad as those aforementioned films.

    Edit: Observe and Report looks like it'll be pretty good though.

  2. Selling my tower (locally as I cant be arsed to post) no idea how much it's worth this day and age.

    Asus P4P800 SE Mb

    1gb Dual Channel DDR Ram

    160gb IDE HDD

    Leadtek Geforce 7600GT GC (256mb) DVi + VGA

    Pentium 4 3.0ghz

    DVD RW Drive

    Fresh Install of XP Home (with COA)

    Cheapo $20 case from Ebuyer

    Any ideas what I should charge?

  3. My next input........

    Give some other women attention, not too much that she thinks you're cheating, but enough to let her know you have other options, she'll either ditch you if you take it too far or will come sniffing for the attention herself. (I think it might work that way, you can be my guinea Pig if you like as most of my advice will be untested).

  4. I wear jeans, combats, board shorts etc. T-shirts mainly fatface, oakley etc. and Trainers, currently very plain Vans or etnies.

    Listen to a lot of different music, including jamiroquai, funeral for a friend and beastie boys lol

    Cut my hair short (grade 1 or 2) as I can not be bothered with 'styling' it

    Like computer games, sports, junk food and tv

    So according to my above personal profile I guess I'd label myself as a 'Normal' person.

    Edit: I see Emo is still on 0 but if we were to judge peoples personalities on Hairstyle alone, this forum must be 70% emo.

  5. Well if you consider he advertises on this forum then you could say it is fair.

    I have to say though I've never dealt with trials-uk. I have however met Dan Ko once as far as I can remember at the first DJ ride and he seemed like a nice enough lad. It just seems business isn't his strongest attribute.

    Maybe he shouldn't be running one then.

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