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Everything posted by Barbra

  1. Be a man, bring the bmx, even though you'll get bored of it when your there lol. My bedroom again? To save any other jokes, he meant meeting lol
  2. haha i always wear sophies slippers when i'm around hers... Wow...were freaks
  3. I'm proud of my bike, for once reason which is why i'm going to post seriously. I ride a custom spec We the people phoenix pro. Reason 1) Its better than trials. Reason 2) It keeps me fit Reason 3) Its a good social tool I figured 3 reasons excluding the one at the top would be sufficient for your needs. But yes topics like this get posted every other day (not literally i'm over exaggerating) So this isn't going to help you get validated.
  4. You know you would, pringles ***. I was imitating a goose rather badly.
  5. I guess that means your coming? Meh i'll be the person you can bet mate I'll make Danny put your name down in a bit. Hopefully i'll have my pegs back on by saturday too, i'll ruin some walls while i'm there See you all there my lovelies! If you want pictures, don't hesitate to ask me while i'm there. (After all i obviously need the practice haha)
  6. Barbra


    I actually just found it interesting to find other peoples opinions on the MATTER, I'm not asking for advice or anything, i was just wondering what everyone else thought of the idea. I just used me and my girlfriend as an example of the situation. My mind is already made up that, when i know shes ready, and she wants to, we will do it. But until that time we won't. My mind just started rolling after i had a conversation with fat pants on msn about it lol, because something i saw no problem with was such a big deal for him, so i thought it would be interesting to find out how other people thought about it.
  7. Barbra


    I thought it was 16? And, she hasn't said no, i've just spoke to her about it and told her that we won't do anything till shes ready. Again let me reiterate the point that this is a topic about peoples opinion about having sex between that age difference NOT about me and my missus' relationship. Thats all fine. I was just using me and my girlfriend as an example.
  8. Barbra


    This isn't about mine and her realtionship Danny. I just wanted peoples opinion on the topic of having sex between that age difference. You of all people know i'm not just after her for sex, and that i'd happily wait until shes ready. cos theres alot more than sex lets face it.
  9. Barbra


    Had a little discussion with the one known as fat pants earlier on msn. I turned 16 in July, and the girl i'm currently seeing is 15. We currently havn't had sex, now for me, it wouldn't be immoral for me to have sex with her, yet for Glen it was a real no no. Now i'm just a bit curious as to who else would see this as being immoral? No legalities here, basically, would you or wouldn't you if you were in the same position? My mind is already made up that i'd commit statutory rape (sounds a bit bad when its put like that) i'm just curious on everyone elses opinions... Discuss, no arguing or slating, these are all opinions after all EDIT: Quick edit, obviously i'm going to wait for her to tell me shes 100% ready to have sex etc etc. As i can see that being brought up.
  10. wow another person thats taken the words out of my mouth. Yeah, so in other words, kick the f**k through your missus/ex instead
  11. Very good vid there mon friend. Don't suppose you could translate what was happening with the woman at the end?
  12. OH MY GOZ YOUR SO RITE. You know 16 years with the last name Barber, and your the first person to come up with such a joke!!!!! props. I'll keep away now, saving people using the report button and another thread getting ruined.
  13. I just went onto his profile apparently he's 19. With the shit he posts it came as a big suprise. Anyway on topic, just give them a good slap across the face. Tell them to f**k off and be done with, sounds like its much more hastle trying to moulde them into the perfect trials rider to be fair.
  14. What happened man? Nah, you just keep your eye out, you'll find someone. Everyone does If not you have allll fof us n trials forum to keep your copany! xxxxxxx
  15. The best advice is to just be yourself. I was always sort of, 'Oh i mustn't act a twat around this girl i've gotta try and impress her' But now, i've pulled more girls by having an attitude of 'If they don't like me for me then they can get f**ked, i don't want to be with them.' So just be yourself, so long as she isn't shy, it'll be a blast. There'll be conversation rolling everywhere, If you find yourself stuck for something to say, just ask a question, 'Got any hobbies?' 'What you currently doing with your life?' etc etc..
  16. Barbra

    Topic Change

    b*****d I went and checked if we had any in, all the f**king golden nuggets are gone
  17. Ok lets put this into perspective a little. I live 2 minutes away from the biggest outdoor plaza in Europe. Off the top of my head i can think of 6 skateboarders, that i see that are consistent in what they do. So basically BMX looks alot better. But Skating is hard to do. Having skateboarded before as well. I'm inclined to say that BMX has a lot better social activity 'n' all. When I'm out with all the lads on bmx its really fun, and always funny, random conversations. Whereas when i used to hang around with skaters it was more about, who could pull off this and that, who could outdo one another, who was gonna' turn pro first. As though they were all after sponsorship or something. Lets face it, a sport is only made up by the people in it. And to be quite honest, bmx'ers win that debate for me. Skaters tend to get in your way on purpose, just because your a bmx'er, they piss and moan when you ride a spot for 5 minutes that they've been skating for 2 hours, even though you've waited to ride it, whereas, probably three quarters of the bmx'ers i know (And i'm talking a good 30+ local riders) Will be very considerate about the spots that they ride, if they see a skater waiting to try something. They'll tell them to go etc. Whereas, i only know of about 12 skaters that would do the same for us. Its all about respect, bmx'ing is in a stage where skating was a while ago, and none of these new generation of skaters will recognize that. Wow, rant over. I'm expecting there to be a contradiction or two in there lol. But i cba read over it, gonna' finish my beer and go bed
  18. +Some of us are capable of listening to one genre of music. We don't feel the need to conform to a certain style by listening to only one type of music
  19. Chaos - Will agree with trials punk completely 8/10. Great film!
  20. Barbra


    Go to 'my computer' 'C: Local disc' thing 'Program files' And see if theres still a 'firefox' folder in there, if there is delete it, (i'm thinking some of the files maybe corrupt) Then re-download and re-install.
  21. Barbra

    Iphone Uk

    Do you know the price of them yet? I'm actually interested in one now. I could sell my ipod, and i need a new phone cos mines eff'd now. Would make sense.
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