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Trials Boy

Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by Trials Boy

  1. I use my Right foot, i tried with my left foot forward but don't seen to let go of the brake to do a pedal hop :D Right Foot Definate :)
  2. :turned: Here Has anyone heard it?
  3. Thats brilliant where did you get it! :) :lol:
  4. Trials Boy

    R.i.p Frame

    How the hell did you get that dent up there on the downtube! (N)
  5. Sweet sidehop, like the bike too. (N) Where is that? (N)
  6. But couldnt anyone complain to eBay selling Onza bikes? (N)
  7. Trials Boy

    2 Photos

    How big is that drop!! (N)" Sweet pics, that second one is really good with all the rocks (N)
  8. I think it looks rather dashy (N)
  9. Calm down (N) Yeah thats a very good bargain! Excellent for beginners hope you progress quick (N) You should complain to supercycles (N)
  10. Trials Boy


    Which old thread?
  11. Trials Boy


    I like that one :( But people could of got a new pet yesturday :D"
  12. Trials Boy


    Hi, This is a random and probaly 'Stupid' topic i know, but i just wanted to randomly know if you had any pets? I have a Rabbit Called Flopsy and Two Gold Fish Delete This If You Think Its Crap...Not really bothered... :-
  13. Hehe that made me laugh :- Also take a look on eBay there cheap frames on there as well mate :D I sarted with a Saracen mad and it got me to where i am now (Happy and good for my age and the time i've been riding) I would say Either a BASE or SARACEN, BASE for more Trialsly :( Or take a look Here Cant he sell a few things and get that :S That'll be brilliant for a starter bike... :P
  14. Trials Boy

    New Pitbull

    I dont see the difference ? :D Edit: That is sweeeeeeeet :-
  15. I say have a grade half :-"
  16. If anyone wants it i'll send it cos' i got it off the vid now :D :-
  17. Ok mate, i'll spend about 2 days downloading every remix in the world and playing it and see if its right :S
  18. it has Lean Back (Fat Joe) innit' as well though? :S
  19. Trials Boy


    Thats sick! Mahossive hops (Y) Only just cleared it though.... :)"
  20. Just quickly, simple, i want to download the song everyone says its with Linkin Park Jay Z Baby Bash Etc Etc... Whats it called or can some one send it to me please!!! Link to Graz vid Thanks A Lot!
  21. Nice vid (N) Some lush bikes as well!!! B)
  22. Trials Boy

    Graz Vid

    Does anyone even know whats its called! I'm want to download it! (N) B)
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