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Everything posted by padarik

  1. but you still got the rear echo rim geeeeeez?
  2. FAT F~CK standerd onza bb by the way! bound to snap really, more of a reason to go isis? cranks came through yet?
  3. could be to a slack head tube angle aswell might be just the lenght though , , it will feel more modish with higher bb rise hopefully some of scotlands riders may get in touch with you , could try thers see what you like , im sure the rest of the forum will be here for any other help you need
  4. did beleave your name was manheat till i re-read it lol made me chuckle , really nice bike you have got there , love them maggys glow in dark ,
  5. heres another thing to baffle you , bb rise! goes from zero to 60 rise , id recomend the short gu 26 and gu forks. but then again i am a bb rise lover :$
  6. well im not neither is lewis? soooooooooo , and its not the bike show you geek! far from it
  7. was really good, captured the whole ride mood in my opinion good first go aswell, hope to see more vids from you , maybe with you riding in them?
  8. mines workin a beaut with firefox edit when downloaded
  9. maybe you should take a page out your own book then bell?
  10. sorry for bump :$ i had them as rims only not built up . id not worry bout leavin your cranks in to long, it would take hours for it to get to the metal just wear gloves and maybe eye protection just incase, an ice cream tub would be perfect to have them in . the soda does nothing to paint or plastics from my recolation so any plastic tub really hope iv helped padarik
  12. just get fresh products , nice cnc bit of metal wide nothces . my wheels never mover theese snail cams are perfect only come in silver though , if you want to be ghay get zhi from trialsman
  13. nitromors wont do feck all to anodising, just use coustic soda, poor it in a plastic tub add hot water put cranks in , 1 min later bang done. no need for any one else to put anything, this is the easyest way!
  14. coustic soda in hot water works mint did my cranks and rims init , can get it from b n q for bout 4 pounds, its ment for unbloking drains , but works a treat , be carefull though it can be very corosive to skin hope iv helped padarik
  15. lmao no selling in new members chat!!!!! just get them off tarty ther around 53 pound sterling , worth while investment id say , few of my freinds run them with no trouble at all hope iv helped
  16. never knew ther was one im not in the cool circle then any links to the site to order it from?
  17. they take standerd mountin bike hubs . 135 mm spacing , that is untill deng gets on the job
  18. take it none of you lot have birds what have coned you in to seein her :$
  19. im 18 and have been ridin 2 and a half goes by so fast but i did have a year off not ridin
  20. dont mean this to sound nasty but oh sweet mother of jospeh! this is yet another pointless topic , think every one would gather that a metal tpa would be better then a plastic one....... and i doubbt it feels stronger, its all in your head
  21. he knows some one who works at a sign place, as do i bike looks sexy !! need to get your vanilla ass out on it though dont we
  22. were bouts it nottingshire do you live? was the any air in the syringe befor bleeding? did you pull the lever time after time to get the air out of the master cyclinder? cheers padarik
  23. if you can set the brake up perfect with the top to mounts bein 100 mm apart then yeah you could use a 2 bolt booster . just put 2 evo boosters on the top so its really thick and then run a v booster shell be fine. will need to get slightly long m5 bolts for the top evo mounts
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