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Everything posted by echoteam!!

  1. why do not many poeple like deng?? sorry off topic
  2. so why do so many poeple ride them they feel great to ride and if you get one you can instantly side hop 55inches!!!
  3. he fancied a change. but why not ask deng to make a new frame?? dave
  4. ^ lol they not the nicest looking frames i've seen i agree
  5. cheers will pythons still be made but not with his name on? the new frames look like the early echo teams to me. i wish him luck with his no spnser any way dave.
  6. yeah just watched it. awsome side hopes and gaps nice short vid. but why has he left?? just after the new python came out with his name written all over it.
  7. How did it go? i built my first one this morning and is abit lob sided lol
  8. hi was just wondering how many of you build your own wheels? dave.
  9. im using a 160 on a mod but changing to 170 as i think they feel nicer in my opinion.
  10. T-mag is also a nicer looking bike with better geomitry. plus you get a disk.
  11. Hi im not sure what cranks to get with bash ring which will work with front freewheel. cheers dave.
  12. zoo gets my vote all the way (Y)
  13. lol!! why did they even touch the maggie i dont get that at all!! so have you got your bike back now?
  14. yeah i have a giro semi aswell. (Y)
  15. liking the blue rims and blue bars :P looking nice mate
  16. im a new member and have not been on this site long but from what i read on past posts mr monkey is w*nker.!
  17. Well im running zoo! bars and i love em. perfect length and rise.
  18. bully^!! should be a good ride
  19. nice vid mate!! :angry: editing was ok and good musice choice aswell
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