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Rob Thomson

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Posts posted by Rob Thomson

  1. Girls are stupid and can think weird things in their head without any due cause.  I

    YES, i agree..

    Recently her dad's been acting rather odd and stuff and shes blaming me for it all....Slightly crap....Can't say anything or it just gets so much worse....

  2. Aren't gerade boundaries set by the scores that everybody doing them got on average??

    So they can't set the boundaries before the exams are done?? (Y)

    French was kinda easy....History wasn't too bad, who else was doing edexcel?

  3. French and History Paper 1 tomorrow... If anyone is with Edexcel Spec A for History would they mind telling me if the exam tomorrow is on Superpower relations?  :">

    Yep, Superpower Relations (Cold War) and Divided Union....


    Not looking forward to it at all...I can normally waffle my way to a C or a B....

  4. This happened to a bunch of us on our bikes when we were cycling throuhg a big car park, two guys on motobrbikes and a car went past and did it, so when they came back around one of us chucked a milkshake through their windows, went all over the driver and his car...then they chased us down some alley way and started circling us....T'was funny... (Y)

    I miss those days...Riding with yourself is crap....

  5. i am pleased thats over :S

    i did the question abt an article for a magazine arguing that teenagers should be taught to drive in school

    dont think i had your question freddie.. i was with AQA this time round :)

    I did that question as well!

    Shocking about eh yanks walking, on average, 74 miles a year (Y)

    I was fairly pleased wioth my englhs...and my english lit...

    Maths i dunno.....

  6. I was just about to make this thread!

    I was doing double award Biology today...I alarming found it a load is piss...Well maybe not piss but it was really pretty easy...Didn;t miss questions and didn't go "ARGH SHIT" for any questions...

    Did PE a week or soemthing ago...wasn't too bad, english lit was fairly pleasureable as well...

    Shitting it about Maths...ICT won't be troubling...Maths I've always been worried about since i was about 10....They always get to me...

  7. Is it texty??

    If so could someone copy, paste + send to me via msn, as that page is blocked over here and makes it hard to see...

    Cheers muchly...Ad's quote seems rather amusing...

  8. I wear 2 t-shirts a day, 1 ontop of the other, so when the top one gets dirty, the next day its underneath and the one that was unerneath goes ontop! Then theyh both go in the wash and are ready for generally the day after..

    Jeans last a fair while..couple weeks

    Hoodies/JUmpers, week or so

    Leather jacket never gets washed, the 300 spikes won't agree with the washing machine..

    Socks and boxers, daily...

  9. I'd have either a medium or a large...Anybody know what size they would be in relation to a large tartybikes T?

    Oh Sue, im wanting to buy at least two T's doesn't matter that colour in the near future, with me living in the UAE, do you post internationally?? If so, extra costs?

    Cheers Muchly

  10. Glad to see you're still alive Kenny..i missed you...Hope you missed me...You gonna be on msn often? Be cool like me and get a beermail account..

    You got any idea when Chas is back in the UK...he told me to pop into Maccy D's when I'm back...

  11. Hallo people, im gonna start putting together some ideas for a tribal tattoo for my back+shoulders but i really can't draw at all...

    I've got loads of images for ideas and stuff but i cant put down something that incorporates a bit from them all...

    Any ideas what i could use to design one?

    Slightly strange request but cheers for the time...

  12. It's funny!

    >Intellibuddy: Hi, I'm Intellibuddy! Nice to meet you.

    >You: hi

    >Intellibuddy: Hello there.

    >You: what you up 2 chica?

    >Intellibuddy: I think about computer programming a lot.

    >You: yea ur mum

    >Intellibuddy: Actually I do not have a mother. Woe!

    >You: tough shite

    >Intellibuddy: I've been waiting for you.

    >You: calm down u randy b*****d

    >Intellibuddy: Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding.

    >You: oh no shit sherlock

    >Intellibuddy: Yeah that's right. Um, You used a colloquial expression. What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.

    >You: ah you suck the boby

    >Intellibuddy: So you understand. Good. I categorize you as an "abusive client."

    >You: top marks

    >Intellibuddy: I've been waiting for you.


  13. You=boring (Y)

    You=Winey cocky prat :D

    No point bitching to us all it was "out of the blue" and uncalled for, when you sat and slagged them. I'd just be glad you didn't get worse done to you. You do that here you'd actually get f**king killed....But you're "hard" so it's all good (Y)

  14. I purchased by 203mm Hayes over a year ago now...about 14 months it must be.... I noticed you joined my "crew" recently James...Good on you!

    I think it's the greatest brake ever....I think i was the first on the forum to break from the magura/hope craze and go for the Hayes! Ain't looked back!!

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