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Rob Thomson

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Posts posted by Rob Thomson

  1. Looks like that Kingfisher green flip paint Jon Fisher had on his forks.

    Looks pretty good... Though theres something about it that i'm not too keen on.

    Maybe it's the relatively high seat? Dunno, can't put my finger on it.

    Nice adaptors :unsure:

    I agree, the angle of the seat is what lets it down...get something sleeker weould be gorgeous...but it aint my bike, and you might sacrifice some comfort

  2. Age differences can be a right pain in the arse sometimes... for example I have loads of fit birds in my Art class ( I'm the only boy in the class lucky me... hehehe :o  ) and I get on really well with nearly all of them and there's this really HOT! one who I've liked since I started High School and I'm now in 5th year ( Scottish Schools ). But there is no way I'll beable to get out with her because she only looks for guys older than her... 18 is her mininum limit and I've just turned 16, it sucks likes :lol:


    Cough Whore Cough

    Sorry, she jsut sounds it....I'll just stick with me 18 year old, and me being 16 (Y)"

  3. the drinking sslowly part noooo downed a big bottle of red square 800ml ish within the space of walking 2 houses :S

    went to a house party last night got absoloutly slaughtered couldnt even see and the kid whos house it was was wrecked before his parents had gone out lol

    there was only 5 of us and his bro and his mate but was funny as f**k

    regretable i have had no sleep for like 2 days im f**ked and my make jelly legged me last nite and has like bruised the bone in my leg  :o

    no hangover though (only 14)


    How does he post? he's a pre-memeber?? Not working?

  4. Hey dude... I'm one of the riders that rides Edinburgh a few times but I would be more thna happy to ride Aberdeen just give me a shout and well get something organised. Me and Rob ( Mr_Tweek ) will come up some time during the summer holidays when he gets back from the Middle East :S  (Y)


    Damn right, the dirty duo back together ye bastards!!

    Sounds good, Well up for it me is!!

  5. Only got one planned, DESERT ROCK...Aptly(sp?) named as it's well over here in the desert and is a rock gig...we got The Darkness, Sepultura, Machinehead, some dutch band and a bunch of local bands from out here...

    Gonna be the shizzle....

  6. Hey folks,

    Basically I (my girlfriend) needs to know how to do the Mann Whitney (U?) test as part of her coursework. They ain't been taught this or anything and have been left to basically figure it out. Could someone be a super mega star and basically tell me how to do this test?

    We can find out comparing 2 sugars...but she has 6! Does this mean antyhing to anyone, and could they help...

    You really would be saving the day, week, year, course, life, Uni course....Please?? :)

    Cheers muchly,


  7. woooo.....


    thats the phone, i like it. of course.

    yeah...people got 3G right, no, you cant get this phone on pay as you go.....pay monthly/contract obviously.

    £30 a month, 500 x-network anytime mintues and 100 txts......for £30 the handset should have been £150, but i got it for free seen as im good :-  :ermm:

    Ahh, my mates had a 6630 for a couple months now...screen dies.....Just wanruing, apart from that it's the shizzle!

  8. Hey yer that was me the guy with the messy hair

    I just thought u were one of the random public taking interest in the fact i had no seat  :P

    It bloody started to rain just as i got to hudds, I think im cursed with wet rides  :o  Was still a really good day though

    lol how did u like totally miss like 7 riders going to the glen including chris walker and luke williams? in the train station at the same time

    Probably just had his eye's on you...Silly Peedo... (Y)

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