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Posts posted by djb

  1. 'twas indeed an awesome ride, especially given the conditions. Joe your riding was sick, i'll definitely try to get down to see you some time.

    Jon you'll have to get the footage from the whole ride sorted and post it up if you can. Maybe merge it with the what Adrian took two weeks back if you can get it, or if he can get yours let him do it?

  2. I should be there Sunday, looks like it'll be pretty good.

    What about a front wheel lol?? anyone got a front disc wheel for sale..or even a d521 rim kicking about??

    I've got a non-disc front wheel - XTR hub with a 521CD rim, or I have a silver 521 rim sitting on a knackered Deore hub. Let me know if either are of interest.

    George, you're confusing me - I don't wanna piss on Joe's fire but won't you be needing the 4 bolt mounts or have you sorted something else out now?

    Adrian, the quickest way to remove the anodizing is caustic soda. Leave it to sit a bit on the rim then attack with fine wire wool or sand paper, a cloth may even do it depending. It'll save a lot of time and elbow grease.

  3. Don't know about everyone else but i'm happier starting later, say 1ish, and riding into the evening. That way Dave and Adrian will still get to ride with a few people. If you're all gonna ride 'till late then i'll just turn up a bit later, otherwise i'll get bored and want to go home before they turn up.

  4. try paul oliver he may have a spare wheel to use mate


    p.s djb has a mavic d521 wheel built on a xt hub he ant usin but you may have the problem of gettin hold of him

    A 521 ceramic on a Hope Mono actually, rim's probably a bit narrow for your frame though. If you're interested pm me, it's the best way to get in touch as I check my emails every morning and night.

    Right, who's actually coming, and what time are you meeting? Trying to decide whether its actually worth gonig or not.

    If there's a decent number of people still wanting to ride tomorrow I should be able to make it for any time, been busy in the hangars recently so haven't known 'till now what I was going to be doing.

    It would be good to ride a 26" Leeson if you come George, see how it compares to my machine.

  5. Is weather meant to be any good tomoz??

    I might come??

    Woops, just read the weather is meant to be good.

    Is there any car parking at the train station?? and is it cheap lol??

    Riverside multistory opposite the station is £1.20 an hour fixed to £6.20 if you stay over 5 hours I think, St Andrews multistory is £5 all day and is about a 5 minute ride to the station.

    Because i'm nice see here for a map of all the car parks (St Andrews in the middle in yellow, Riverside to the right also yellow)


    and here for prices of most the cheapest ones, though Riverside's not on there for some reason:


    Now you have no excuse, haha

  6. A headset removal tool is the best idea but proper ones are expensive. You can make one much cheaper using an old seatpost that fits inside the headset (the type where you can remove the clamp bit are best). I was gonna explain how to do it but I can't so here's a picture speaking a thousand words:


    Squeeze the flared bit into one end of your headset and push the tool down 'till it rests on the other cup, then hit with a hammer. Nice and simple and because it spreads the load evenly it doesn't hurt the headset or frame.

  7. the diggers are decent tires :) pretty grippy too!

    seconded, it's what i've used on the rear for the last six months and think it's fine. Good grip and only had one pinch but I do run them at about 40psi, not very trialsy but I can't stand soggy tyres

    thanks you lot but can you please give me more chose cus im struggeling to find one i like.

    try here:


    you should still be able to find most of them online somewhere

  8. yes i have been on djbs on the forum, it was actually the nicest bike i have ever ridden, ive ridden a few other 24s (like my zoot-which is also very close to riding as nicely) but nothing beats his....

    haha, you knows it!!!

    If you phone up Clive (Mr Lesson) you'll find he's an awesome bloke happy to speak for ages about his masterpieces and regardless of first/second/third/whatever owner he'll treat you the same. My 609 was second hand but when I rang him he sorted me with a new hangar and tensioner for next to nothing and offered to repair the dent I put in the stays as soon as I mentioned it without me even asking, he may charge a small fee but it would only be very small. I think he's a top bloke making top frames, mines taken the beating of a lifetime with only a couple of dents to show for it and I have more faith in this frame than any other I have ridden.

  9. This comp has all gone a bit pear shaped. It seems the poll with the proper title was the one that got deleted. Maybe it'd be worth editing the title of this one if you could yoyoyo (or maybe a mod if that's possible) so people know what its about and bother to look in, maybe more people will vote that way. As it stands it's a tie between four people and its gradually falling to the darkest depths of the forum.

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